This blook is not just about me. Numerous people, some living, some not, have understood the power of conversation, appreciated the world’s complexity, and have influenced my thinking. You will find the profiles of a few of them listed below.
Each profile says (or will say when complete) a few words about the person, how they have influenced me, and my relationship with them.
The profile also includes, where available, a video and a quotation that I have chosen to convey best one or more of their key ideas and a little of their personality. I have also included several links to resources such as their website, LinkedIn profile, and Twitter account.
I generally use first names, not last names (surnames), when referring to people in this blook, regardless of whether or not I know them personally and regardless of their gender, race, or position. I do this because I find referring to people by their last name seems overly formal and archaic while using both given name and last name seems redundant once I have already mentioned their name in full.
Finally, I have embedded their Twitter stream and RSS feed to give you direct access to their current thinking.
There are 59 people profiles in the list below.

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Photo Credits: Felix Mittermeier (CC0 1.0)
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