Knowledge Café Principle: Preserve the Flow Conversational flow should not be interrupted

Principle: Preserve the flow.    In a Knowledge Café, the flow of the conversation should be preserved. The conversation flows when it is effortless and moves smoothly from one speaker to another and naturally between topics. Flow is one of the hallmarks of a good conversation. Anything that gets in the way of the flow of the … Continue reading Knowledge Café Principle: Preserve the Flow Conversational flow should not be interrupted

Knowledge Café: Capturing Outcomes The outcomes are what you take away in your head - note taking is a distraction

The Knowledge Café is fundamentally about conversation. Its value lies in the quality of the conversations that take place. The actual outcomes are what people take away in their heads.  The Dilemma Capturing the outcomes of a Café is often essential. However, it clashes with one of the Café principles that anything that gets in the way of … Continue reading Knowledge Café: Capturing Outcomes The outcomes are what you take away in your head – note taking is a distraction