There Are No Solutions Only Responses in Complex Adaptive Systems David Gurteen

In a complex or complex adaptive system, the notion of “problem-solving” is an illusion. Instead of definitive solutions, there is only an endless series of adaptive responses. Credit: David Gurteen People: David GurteenDavid Gurteen Keynote speaker, writer and conversational facilitatorBooks: David GurteenLeading Issues in Social Knowledge Management by David Gurteen (2012)Quotations: David GurteenA Conversation Architect … Continue reading There Are No Solutions Only Responses in Complex Adaptive Systems David Gurteen

Introduction: Complexity The world is fast-changing and increasingly more turbulent

The world is fast-changing and increasingly more turbulent. The problems and challenges we face are both complex and adaptive and thus more resilient in the face of traditional approaches and ways of working. Posts that link to this post What Makes a Real Community? Members of a community care about each other A Slight Modification to VUCA … Continue reading Introduction: Complexity The world is fast-changing and increasingly more turbulent

What Is a System? ** An interconnected set of elements organized in a way that achieves something

A system is a set of  interconnected, interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements such as people, ideas or things that forms a whole and is coherently organized in a way that achieves something. Three main characteristics define a system: it comprises a set of elements these elements are interconnected with one another these elements are organized … Continue reading What Is a System? ** An interconnected set of elements organized in a way that achieves something

Complex Responsive Processes in Organizations: Learning and Knowledge Creation by Ralph Stacey (2001)

Ralph Stacey’s book, “Complex Responsive Processes in Organizations: Learning and Knowledge Creation,” delves into the intricacies of organizational dynamics, focusing on the interplay between human behavior, decision-making, and knowledge generation within complex systems. Drawing from complexity theory, Stacey explores how organizations are not merely static structures but evolving, adaptive entities shaped by the actions and … Continue reading Complex Responsive Processes in Organizations: Learning and Knowledge Creation by Ralph Stacey (2001)

The Role of Conversation in Health Care Interventions Enabling sensemaking and learning

Abstract Background Those attempting to implement changes in health care settings often find that intervention efforts do not progress as expected. Unexpected outcomes are often attributed to variation and/or error in implementation processes. We argue that some unanticipated variation in intervention outcomes arises because unexpected conversations emerge during intervention attempts. The purpose of this paper … Continue reading The Role of Conversation in Health Care Interventions Enabling sensemaking and learning

The Cynefin Framework A conceptual framework to help make decisions

The Cynefin framework helps you make better decisions by understanding the situation/context you are in and using an appropriate decision-making method. The Cynefin framework is a conceptual framework used to aid decision-making. It was created in 1999 by Dave Snowden. It can also be described as a “sense-making device.” Cynefin is a Welsh word for … Continue reading The Cynefin Framework A conceptual framework to help make decisions

Our World Is Complex It is a VUCA world

The world is hyperconnected, fast-changing, and complex. It’s a VUCA world – increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous.  We live in a hyperconnected world that has led to increased complexity. The impact of complexity Increased complexity, in turn, has given rise to raised: Volatility is where things change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse. … Continue reading Our World Is Complex It is a VUCA world

There Are No Solutions to Complex Challenges Only an endless series of adaptive responses

Complex systems defy simplistic problem-solving. Rather than definitive solutions, we can only respond to the intricate web of interconnected elements. In a complex environment, there are no solutions, only an endless series of adaptive responses. Complex systems are characterized by their nonlinear dynamics, emergent properties, and the presence of feedback loops. These characteristics make it … Continue reading There Are No Solutions to Complex Challenges Only an endless series of adaptive responses