Introduction: Knowledge Café Variations ** There are many variations of the Knowledge Café concept

[Status: stub] POST NAVIGATION Pop-up all posts in this chapter × Knowledge Café VariationsIntroduction: Knowledge Café Variations ** There are many variations of the Knowledge Café conceptEspresso Café Espresso has more caffeine per unit volume than most coffee beveragesKnowledge Café Debate Debate sharpens up the important aspects of the issue under discussionRitual Dissent Café ** … Continue reading Introduction: Knowledge Café Variations ** There are many variations of the Knowledge Café concept

Knowledge Café Debate Debate sharpens up the important aspects of the issue under discussion

The debate part of a Café Debate is clearly about debate but like regular Knowledge Cafés the Café conversation is still about dialogue – not debate. The debate serves to sharpen up and focus on the important aspects of the issue under discussion. Unlike a traditional debate the outcome is not some sort of verdict … Continue reading Knowledge Café Debate Debate sharpens up the important aspects of the issue under discussion

Ritual Dissent Café ** A Café style adaptation of the Ritual Dissent process

A Café style adaptation of the Ritual Dissent process. [Status: stub] POST NAVIGATION Pop-up all posts in this chapter × Knowledge Café VariationsIntroduction: Knowledge Café Variations ** There are many variations of the Knowledge Café conceptEspresso Café Espresso has more caffeine per unit volume than most coffee beveragesKnowledge Café Debate Debate sharpens up the important … Continue reading Ritual Dissent Café ** A Café style adaptation of the Ritual Dissent process