C Thi Nguyen Philosophy professor

Associate professor of philosophy at Utah Valley University. Echo chambers and epistemic bubbles WebsiteProfileTwitter@add_hawkYouTubeC Thi NguyenGoogleC Thi Nguyen Twitter Tweets by C Thi Nguyen Videos: C Thi NguyenThe Gamification of Public Discourse C Thi Nguyen (2019)Papers: C Thi NguyenEcho Chambers and Epistemic Bubbles C Thi Nguyen (2018)Tags: C Thi Nguyen (4) | philosophy (7)Google Web … Continue reading C Thi Nguyen Philosophy professor

Echo Chambers and Epistemic Bubbles C Thi Nguyen (2018)

Echo chambers and epistemic bubbles Abstract Discussion of the phenomena of post-truth and fake news often implicates the closed epistemic networks of social media. The recent conversation has, however, blurred two distinct social epistemic phenomena. An epistemic bubble is a social epistemic structure in which other relevant voices have been left out, perhaps accidentally. An … Continue reading Echo Chambers and Epistemic Bubbles C Thi Nguyen (2018)

The Gamification of Public Discourse C Thi Nguyen (2019)

The Gamification of Public Discourse | C Thi Nguyen Posts where this video is embedded Filter Bubbles, Epistemic Bubbles and Echo Chambers Distort the reality of the worldPeople: C Thi NguyenC Thi Nguyen Philosophy professorVideos: C Thi NguyenThe Gamification of Public Discourse C Thi Nguyen (2019)Papers: C Thi NguyenEcho Chambers and Epistemic Bubbles C Thi Nguyen … Continue reading The Gamification of Public Discourse C Thi Nguyen (2019)

Discrediting People ** Cause them to lose the respect or trust of others

To discredit someone means to cause them to lose people’s respect or trust. We acquire most of our knowledge by accepting the beliefs of those people or institutions we trust, so discrediting authority figures or institutions is one of the most effective, though immoral, ways of opposing an idea. In practicing Conversational Leadership, we should … Continue reading Discrediting People ** Cause them to lose the respect or trust of others