The Cynefin Framework A conceptual framework to help make decisions

The Cynefin framework helps you make better decisions by understanding the situation/context you are in and using an appropriate decision-making method. The Cynefin framework is a conceptual framework used to aid decision-making. It was created in 1999 by Dave Snowden. It can also be described as a “sense-making device.” Cynefin is a Welsh word for … Continue reading The Cynefin Framework A conceptual framework to help make decisions

I. Take Responsibility We can choose to take responsibility for the changes we wish to see in the world

Take responsibility: In life, we can choose to take responsibility in several ways. Most critically, we can choose to take ownership of the changes we wish to see in the world. Introduction Taking responsibility is a crucial aspect of personal growth and development. It involves acknowledging that we have control over our lives and the … Continue reading I. Take Responsibility We can choose to take responsibility for the changes we wish to see in the world

Our World Is Complex It is a VUCA world

The world is hyperconnected, fast-changing, and complex. It’s a VUCA world – increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous.  We live in a hyperconnected world that has led to increased complexity. The impact of complexity Increased complexity, in turn, has given rise to raised: Volatility is where things change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse. … Continue reading Our World Is Complex It is a VUCA world