Peer Instruction Where students learn from each other

Eric Mazur is a Harvard physicist and educator who developed a teaching method called Peer Instruction. Peer Instruction involves students learning from each other during class. It begins with a concept-based question that challenges students’ understanding. After individually answering the question, students discuss their responses with their peers. This collaborative discussion helps them clarify their … Continue reading Peer Instruction Where students learn from each other

Flipped Teaching Speech is a bad medium for communicating information - so watch lectures at home

Flipped teaching reverses, or “flips”, traditional in-class lectures and homework. Students watch the teacher’s prerecorded lecture at home, and in-class time is used for students to test their skills, apply their knowledge, and interact through hands-on projects, discussions, and exercises. Traditional lectures such as the one below can be sleep-inducing or worse: Boring Economics teacher … Continue reading Flipped Teaching Speech is a bad medium for communicating information – so watch lectures at home