How Little You Know Walter Ong

Few people know how much you have to know in order to know how little you know. Credit: Walter Ong Posts: Walter OngOrality ** The practice of transmitting knowledge, culture, and traditions through spoken languageQuotations: Walter OngHow Little You Know Walter OngWritten Words Are Residue Walter OngTags: knowledge (60) | Walter Ong (3)Google Web Search … Continue reading How Little You Know Walter Ong

Orality ** The practice of transmitting knowledge, culture, and traditions through spoken language

Before the widespread use of writing, oral communication was the primary method of sharing knowledge and culture in society. This oral tradition is called orality, Orality refers to the quality or characteristic of being oral or spoken rather than written. It pertains to the culture, communication, and transmission of knowledge through speech, storytelling, and other … Continue reading Orality ** The practice of transmitting knowledge, culture, and traditions through spoken language