Christopher Hitchens’s Razor No not what he shaved with

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   February 12, 2023, 13:18I’m a big fan of Christopher Hitchens, a larger-than-life personality. It’s a shame that he died so young, but his legacy continues on YouTube. I especially like his epistemological razor (a guide for evaluating the validity of knowledge claims.). In other words, the responsibility of proving the accuracy of a … Continue reading Christopher Hitchens’s Razor No not what he shaved with

New Age Mumbo Jumbo Confusing or meaningless language about New Age beliefs

The web is chock-full of various disinformation, including pseudoscientific disinformation that masquerades as being scientific. It also contains arrant nonsense, primarily about New Age beliefs that I term New Age mumbo jumbo. What is New Age mumbo jumbo? In addition, to pseudoscientific disinformation, there is disinformation on the web and elsewhere that relates to what … Continue reading New Age Mumbo Jumbo Confusing or meaningless language about New Age beliefs

Pseudoscience Lacks the rigor essential to the scientific method

The web is chock-full of various disinformation, including pseudoscientific disinformation that masquerades as scientific. Removing this disinformation may not be possible, but recognizing it is not too difficult. What is pseudoscience? Much written on the web is misinformation or disinformation (fake news) or simply misleading information in the sense that crucial facts have been deliberately … Continue reading Pseudoscience Lacks the rigor essential to the scientific method

Pollution of the Global Information Ecosystem The contamination of information with false and misleading material

Information pollution is the contamination of information with false and misleading material. Pollution of the info-ecosystem The quality of the information in our global information ecosystem is paramount. To reduce uncertainty and make good sensemaking and decision-making, we need to trust the things we read, the videos we watch, and the people we communicate with. … Continue reading Pollution of the Global Information Ecosystem The contamination of information with false and misleading material