Indroduction: Practicing Conversational Leadership Anyone can practice conversational leadership

Conversational Leadership is a practice we can all engage in, regardless of our position, whether it is CEO or a new graduate employee. We can also practice it in our personal and social lives. One might even say it is a way of life. To begin, here are a couple of definitions: The foundation of … Continue reading Indroduction: Practicing Conversational Leadership Anyone can practice conversational leadership

Conversational Leadership Mindset Developing a Conversational Leadership mindset

Many factors, including conversational skills and habits, shape our ability to practice Conversational Leadership effectively. However, the most impactful factor is our mindset. Mindsets Let’s begin by defining a few terms to establish some context. Changing mindsets I have written an introduction to mindsets here. I make two critical points in the post that should … Continue reading Conversational Leadership Mindset Developing a Conversational Leadership mindset

The Impact of Cognitive Biases in Conversation Cognitive biases can lead to flawed or irrational conclusions in a conversation

Cognitive biases affect how we interpret and respond to conversation and reason together, potentially leading to flawed or irrational conclusions, but there are ways to mitigate their impact. Introduction Cognitive biases are mental shortcuts or tendencies that our brain uses to process information and make judgments. They can lead us to make poor decisions, overlook … Continue reading The Impact of Cognitive Biases in Conversation Cognitive biases can lead to flawed or irrational conclusions in a conversation

The Perils of Binary Bias: Why Binary Thinking Divides Us ** Simplifying complex issues into two extreme and opposing categories

Introduction In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, the concept of binary bias, also known as binary thinking or black-and-white thinking, has gained significant relevance and importance. This cognitive bias reflects our innate tendency to simplify intricate issues, situations, or concepts by viewing them through an oversimplified lens, often inadvertently causing harm to society. Without … Continue reading The Perils of Binary Bias: Why Binary Thinking Divides Us ** Simplifying complex issues into two extreme and opposing categories