Introduction: Our Evolutionary Journey From the Big Bang to the universe's death

In this chapter, I explore our evolutionary journey, which extends from the moment of the Big Bang to the eventual destiny of the Universe. In the context of this journey, I also delve into speculation concerning both individual purpose and humanity’s overarching purpose. The Journey Humanity finds itself in an extraordinary time of transition. We … Continue reading Introduction: Our Evolutionary Journey From the Big Bang to the universe’s death

Longtermism Doing the most good possible from a civilization-scale perspective

Longtermism is a philosophy focused on doing the most cumulative good possible from a civilization-scale perspective. It argues we should prioritize reducing existential risks and positively shaping humanity’s long-term potential, as the future contains vast potential value. Longtermism is a philosophical and ethical concept that focuses on considering the long-term consequences of our actions and … Continue reading Longtermism Doing the most good possible from a civilization-scale perspective