Introduction: Our Evolutionary Journey From the Big Bang to the universe's death

In this chapter, I explore our evolutionary journey, which extends from the moment of the Big Bang to the eventual destiny of the Universe. In the context of this journey, I also delve into speculation concerning both individual purpose and humanity’s overarching purpose. The Journey Humanity finds itself in an extraordinary time of transition. We … Continue reading Introduction: Our Evolutionary Journey From the Big Bang to the universe’s death

Fundamental Questions About Human Life ** Whis is the purpose of life and humanity?

There are three fundamental ‘purpose’ questions about human life, ‘Why does human life exist?’, ‘What is the purpose or meaning of human life and ‘What is the purpose of humanity?’ These are deeply philosophical, thought-provoking questions. The most common question about human life is: “What is the purpose or meaning of life?” This question has … Continue reading Fundamental Questions About Human Life ** Whis is the purpose of life and humanity?

What Is the Purpose of Life? ** What is the meaning of an individual human life?

What is the meaning of life from an individual perspective? In other words, what is my or your purpose for being here? There is no single definitive meaning of life that applies to everyone. We must find our own meaning and purpose based on our unique beliefs, values, and experiences. From an individual perspective, the … Continue reading What Is the Purpose of Life? ** What is the meaning of an individual human life?