The Conversational Enlightenment: the Reconception of Rhetoric in Eighteenth-century Thought David Randall (2020)

David Randall’s “Conversational Enlightenment” explores the 18th century’s “conversation boom” in literature, philosophy, art, and society. He shows how conversation expanded beyond elites, influencing politeness, public opinion, and even art. He argues it wasn’t just chatter but a tool for shaping ideas & the Enlightenment itself. He challenges traditional views, highlighting salons & women’s role … Continue reading The Conversational Enlightenment: the Reconception of Rhetoric in Eighteenth-century Thought David Randall (2020)

Cicero’s Sermo ** ...

Let’s start by looking at and comparing the meaning of the Latin terms “sermo” and “conversari” as they are closely related. The Meaning of Sermo The Latin term “sermo” encapsulates a rich array of meanings, all revolving around the concept of communication and the exchange of ideas. In its primary sense, “sermo” refers to conversation, … Continue reading Cicero’s Sermo **

The Conversational Enlightenment ** Was fueled by a surprisng source, the ancient Roman art of convesration known as sermo

The Enlightenment, a period of intellectual and scientific revolution in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries, characterized by a focus on reason and critical thinking, was fueled by lively conversation, where ideas were shared, debated, and improved through social interaction. At the heart of this conversational ferment lay a surprising source: the ancient Roman … Continue reading The Conversational Enlightenment ** Was fueled by a surprisng source, the ancient Roman art of convesration known as sermo