Conflicted: Why Arguments Are Tearing Us Apart and How They Can Bring Us Together by Ian Leslie (2021)

In this book, Conflicted, Ian Leslie draws essential lessons on how to disagree well from world-class experts: interrogators, hostage negotiators, divorce mediators, diplomats, and addiction counselors. It tells inspiring stories of productive disagreements, from the invention of the airplane to the success of The Rolling Stones, and combines them with fascinating insights from the science … Continue reading Conflicted: Why Arguments Are Tearing Us Apart and How They Can Bring Us Together by Ian Leslie (2021)

Verbal Judo ** Using one's words to prevent, de-escalate, or end an attempted assault.

Verbal self-defense, also known as verbal judo,is defined as using one’s words to prevent, de-escalate, or end an attempted assault. It is a way of using words as a way to maintain your mental and emotional safety. This kind of “conflict management” involves using posture and body language, tone of voice, and choice of words … Continue reading Verbal Judo ** Using one’s words to prevent, de-escalate, or end an attempted assault.