The Impact of Cognitive Biases in Conversation Cognitive biases can lead to flawed or irrational conclusions in a conversation

Cognitive biases affect how we interpret and respond to conversation and reason together, potentially leading to flawed or irrational conclusions, but there are ways to mitigate their impact. Introduction Cognitive biases are mental shortcuts or tendencies that our brain uses to process information and make judgments. They can lead us to make poor decisions, overlook … Continue reading The Impact of Cognitive Biases in Conversation Cognitive biases can lead to flawed or irrational conclusions in a conversation

What Are Beliefs? Ideas that are held to be true but not necessarily supported by any evidence

Beliefs are ideas that we hold to be true. However, we have no evidence to support many of them.  False beliefs lead us to the wrong conclusions. We need to question and challenge our beliefs continually. What is a belief? Another use of the word belief is when we say, for example, that we believe … Continue reading What Are Beliefs? Ideas that are held to be true but not necessarily supported by any evidence

Our Tribal Nature The human brain is hardwired to be tribal

Humans are innately tribal. We need to belong to groups (tribes) and maintain fulfilling relationships with others. This need significantly impacts how we interact with each other and, in turn, society. Dictionary Definition A tribe is a group of people, often of related families, who live together, sharing the same language, culture, and history, especially … Continue reading Our Tribal Nature The human brain is hardwired to be tribal

Converse in Good Faith Be sincere, fair, open, and honest, regardless of the outcome

Converse in good faith: Converse with the intent to be sincere, fair, open, and honest, regardless of the outcome of the interaction.  Converse in good faith In human interactions, good faith is the intent to be sincere, to be fair, open, and honest, regardless of the outcome of the interaction. Credit: Wikipedia Assume good faith … Continue reading Converse in Good Faith Be sincere, fair, open, and honest, regardless of the outcome