Introduction: Knowledge Café Principles Create a conversational environment

The Knowledge Café’s strength and success depend on a few critical principles The Knowledge Café has been designed to cultivate an environment where conversation can flourish, and everyone feels like an equal participant. Participants can relax, be themselves, and express their thoughts freely without fear of judgment. The seven principles that guide the Knowledge Café … Continue reading Introduction: Knowledge Café Principles Create a conversational environment

Knowledge Café Principle: Conversation Is Sovereign It's all about the conversation

Principle: Conversation is Sovereign. The Knowledge Café aims to facilitate meaningful conversations. To do this, it is important to eliminate anything that could hinder open communication. Creating a welcoming space for dialogue and shared learning is key. The foundational principle underpinning the Café’s design and process is to create an atmosphere that promotes open conversations … Continue reading Knowledge Café Principle: Conversation Is Sovereign It’s all about the conversation

Knowledge Café Principle: Everyone Has an Equal Voice Everyone is an equal participant

Principle: Everyone has an equal voice. In a Knowledge Café, all participants are treated equally. No one is given more conversational power than anyone else, and no one’s power is diminished. In a Knowledge Café, there should be no hierarchy in the room or the small groups. Now, this is not entirely possible. Whatever you … Continue reading Knowledge Café Principle: Everyone Has an Equal Voice Everyone is an equal participant

Knowledge Café Principle: Create a Safe Space Where conversation can flourish

Principle: Create a psychologically safe space.  To foster meaningful conversation in a Knowledge Café or any small group setting, it’s crucial to establish a safe space where all participants feel equal, comfortable, and free to express themselves without fear. Reduce fear Although it is never possible to eliminate fear, everything should be done to reduce … Continue reading Knowledge Café Principle: Create a Safe Space Where conversation can flourish