Organizational culture is the attitudes, customs, rituals, values and beliefs shared by the members of an organization that govern their behavior. Organizational culture is emergent. It is the result of the everyday interactions, behaviors, and conversations by the members of an organization. Culture is the way that we do things around here that we all … Continue reading What Is Organizational Culture? Dave Snowden
Organizational culture is the basic tacit assumptions about how the world is and ought to be that a group of people share and that determines their perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and, their overt behavior. Credit: Edgar Schein Posts where this quotation is embedded Culture Basic tacit assumptions about how the world works Nurturing an Innovation Culture Allowing emergence, not … Continue reading Organizational Culture Is the Basic Tacit Assumptions About the World Edgar Schein
Introduction The objective is simple: “Better decision-making.” The only issue is that there are so many different views over what we mean by “better.” At the core of all decision-making is the need to balance Power with Responsibility, as the vehicle for resolving the “better” question. This article explores why that is so difficult? It … Continue reading The Issues at the Core of Ethical Decision-making and Leadership Bruce Lloyd (2009)
Simon Sinek is a British-American motivational speaker and author known for his focus on leadership and organizational culture. He gained widespread fame with his concept of “Start With Why,” which emphasizes the importance of understanding and articulating the underlying purpose behind any action or organization. Simon’s ideas have been influential in corporate and personal development. … Continue reading Simon Sinek Author and inspirational speaker
Organizational culture emerges organically in organizations, which function as complex adaptive systems. It can’t be dictated by management, but it can be influenced by improving interactions among employees. By cultivating stronger connections between team members, organizations can create an environment where a healthy culture naturally evolves. Credit: David Gurteen People: David GurteenDavid Gurteen Keynote speaker, … Continue reading Cultivating a Healthy Organizational Culture That Naturally Evolves David Gurteen
How can leaders make their big or growing companies feel small again? How can they recapture the “magic” — the tight strategic alignment, the high level of employee engagement—that drove and animated their organization when it was a start-up? As more and more executives have discovered in recent years, the answer to this conundrum lies … Continue reading Talk, Inc.: How Trusted Leaders Use Conversation to Power Their Organizations by Boris Groysberg, Michael Slind (2012)
Suppose we were able to share meanings freely without a compulsive urge to impose our view or conform to those of others and without distortion and self-deception. Would this not constitute a real revolution in culture? Credit: David Bohm Comment: What a wonderful thought. One of my favorite quotations.Source: Changing ConsciousnessPosts where this quotation is … Continue reading A Real Revolution in Culture David Bohm
Multipolar Traps or Moloch Traps Relationships ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Colonialism has historically referred to the domination and control of one group or nation over another. However, the language of colonialism has recently been used to describe other forms of control and dominance. Introduction The term “colonialism” and related words, such … Continue reading Avoiding Modern-day Colonialism Colonialism: the dominance, control, and exploitation by one group over another
Caring What Is Communityship? Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A community is more than just a group of people with shared interests. Many networks and organizations call themselves communities, but they often lack the deeper connections that make a real community. True communities grow over time through meaningful relationships, shared purpose, and mutual … Continue reading What Makes a Real Community? Members of a community care about each other
Owning Our Mistakes ** Speak Last Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Speak up: Many of us are afraid to speak up, especially to speak truth to power, and there are many barriers to being open and frank. In organizations, this results in bad decisions and, at a societal level, many wrongdoings that are not … Continue reading Speak Up Express our opinions frankly and openly
Shared Meaning Reframing Questions Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Culture plays an essential role in our societal and organizational lives. It shapes us in a variety of ways. Culture and Conversation We can view a society or an organization as a network of people engaged in a continuous, dynamic flow of conversations. In … Continue reading Culture Basic tacit assumptions about how the world works