ECKM 25th European Conference on Knowledge Management 5-6 September 2024, Veszprém, Hungary University of Pannonia

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   November 30, 2023, 13:44The 25th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM) will be held in Veszprém, Hungary, at the University of Pannonia on 5-6 September 2024. You can join physically or virtually. Veszprém, as the European Capital of Culture 2023, is using culture and community-building tools to seek answers to major societal challenges, … Continue reading ECKM 25th European Conference on Knowledge Management 5-6 September 2024, Veszprém, Hungary University of Pannonia

Knowledge Café: Create an Environment for Successful Knowledge Management by Benjamin C. Anyacho

The Knowledge Café by Benjamin Anyacho is a mindset and environment for engaging, discussing, and exchanging knowledge within a group, either face-to-face or virtually. At the café, participants can discuss hard-to-solve project issues or resolve a family or community crisis. This metaphorical town square supports knowledge circulation and rejuvenation and increases its velocity—making it a breeding ground for … Continue reading Knowledge Café: Create an Environment for Successful Knowledge Management by Benjamin C. Anyacho

Our Most Effective Knowledge Management Tool Is Conversation Nancy Dixon

Our most effective knowledge management tool is conversation. The words we choose, the questions we ask, and the metaphors we use to explain ourselves are what determine our success in creating new knowledge as well as sharing that knowledge with each other. Credit: Nancy Dixon Posts where this quotation is embedded Carpe Diem – Seize the … Continue reading Our Most Effective Knowledge Management Tool Is Conversation Nancy Dixon

KM Global Network: KM Course 2022 Knowledge Management Advanced Methodologies

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   January 10, 2022, 12:44The KM Global Network (KMGN) is running an online KM course – a series of 21 interactive one-hour weekly sessions, starting 1st February 2022. I will be giving one of the sessions on 1st March, where I will introduce participants to the Knowledge Café. Take a look at the syllabus … Continue reading KM Global Network: KM Course 2022 Knowledge Management Advanced Methodologies

KM Summit Indonesia Grand Hyatt Bali, Indonesia, 9 -11 January 2024

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   November 22, 2023, 11:55Discover the KM Summit Indonesia at the Grand Hyatt Bali, Indonesia, from January 9-11, 2024. It’s a fantastic venue – I wish I could be there! Knowledge Letter: Issue: 282 (Subscribe)Tags: Indonesia (2) | knowledge management (51)RSS: Blog FeedPhoto Credits: Midjourney (Public Domain) Knowledge Cafés on Conversational Leadership ECKM 25th European … Continue reading KM Summit Indonesia Grand Hyatt Bali, Indonesia, 9 -11 January 2024

Event: Global Bridging KM/OD/D&I

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   April 26, 2022, 13:08The Global Bridging event is a free online 24-hour series of conversational activities spanning Knowledge Management (KM), Organization Development (OD), and Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI). The event runs from 12 noon GMT on 23 May 2022 to 12 noon on May 24. You can join for just half an … Continue reading Event: Global Bridging KM/OD/D&I

The Nonsense of ‘knowledge Management’ Tom Wilson (2002)

Abstract This paper examines critically the origins and basis of ‘knowledge management’, its components, and its development as a field of consultancy practice. Problems in the distinction between ‘knowledge’ and ‘information’ are explored, as well as Polanyi’s concept of ‘tacit knowing’. The concept is examined in the journal literature, the Web sites of consultancy companies, … Continue reading The Nonsense of ‘knowledge Management’ Tom Wilson (2002)

New Book: Creating Conversational Leadership Aurthor: John Hovell

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   November 7, 2022, 20:26Conversational Leadership is a relatively new discipline; until recently, no books had been written on the subject unless you included my blook. This has now changed with the publication of Creating Conversational Leadership by my good friend and colleague John Hovell. Congratulations John. In the book, John makes the case … Continue reading New Book: Creating Conversational Leadership Aurthor: John Hovell

Knowledge Summit 2025 in Dublin Trinity College Dublin 23 - 24 June

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   December 4, 2024, 11:08The Knowledge Summit at Trinity College Dublin is returning in 2025. My experience at the 2024 event was memorable for its insightful speakers, diverse participants, and emphasis on practical discussions. Held at Trinity College, the summit provided a thoughtful space for exchanging ideas and exploring knowledge management practices. In 2024, … Continue reading Knowledge Summit 2025 in Dublin Trinity College Dublin 23 – 24 June

There’s No Such Thing as Knowledge Management Peter Drucker

There’s no such thing as knowledge management; there are only knowledgeable people. Information only becomes knowledge in the hands of someone who knows what to do with it. Credit: Peter Drucker Posts where this quotation is embedded Carpe Diem – Seize the Day Seize the day everyone Chatbots and Genai in Knowledge Management Chatbots are more than … Continue reading There’s No Such Thing as Knowledge Management Peter Drucker

Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Cafés – a Case Study in Higher Education Desireé J Cranfield, Isabella M Venter, Sue Evans, Ellen Spender

Abstract Higher Education Institutions are knowledge intensive institutions. Academics are considered knowledge workers within a knowledge society, with a remit to create and transfer knowledge to their students, as well as to distribute and share the knowledge created from research undertaken. These forms of knowledge sharing within Higher Education Institutions happen as part of the … Continue reading Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Cafés – a Case Study in Higher Education Desireé J Cranfield, Isabella M Venter, Sue Evans, Ellen Spender

Is Bill Gates a Force for Good or Evil? Bill Gates and conspiracy theories

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   December 8, 2020, 12:50Several conspiracy theories are circulating about Bill Gates, such as the microchip conspiracy theory. Astonishingly, a YouGov poll of 1,640 people suggests that 28% of Americans believe that he wants to use vaccines to implant microchips in people. To gain some idea of the diversity of opinion about him – … Continue reading Is Bill Gates a Force for Good or Evil? Bill Gates and conspiracy theories

Knowledge Café’s, Informal Conversations, Sharing Teaching Best Practice Desireé Cranfield, David Gurteen (2020)

Abstract Since March 2020, the pandemic has changed the way teaching within Higher Education in the UK and indeed the world, is conducted. A sudden shift to online teaching necessitated a rethink of the best teaching approaches and methods to engage students and support good student experience while using the digital teaching platform as a … Continue reading Knowledge Café’s, Informal Conversations, Sharing Teaching Best Practice Desireé Cranfield, David Gurteen (2020)

Teaching Innovation, Conversations, Community of Practice: Using Knowledge Cafe’s to Share Teaching Best Practice … D.J. Cranfield, D. Gurteen (2020)

Abstract The Internet of Things has brought about changes in the way we live, work and play, enabling enhanced connectedness with associated radical opportunities to improve every sector and area of our lives. Access to information is continuous, ubiquitous, time and place independent, which has revolutionized the workplace, becoming progressively complex, and continually changing. With … Continue reading Teaching Innovation, Conversations, Community of Practice: Using Knowledge Cafe’s to Share Teaching Best Practice … D.J. Cranfield, D. Gurteen (2020)

What Does Pope Francis Know About Knowledge Management? Quite a lot it would seem

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   January 10, 2021, 14:09What does Pope Francis know about Knowledge Management? Quite a lot, it would seem to judge from this excerpt of an interview with him. Knowledge Letter: Issue: 248 (Subscribe)Tags: knowledge management (51) | Pope Francis (2)RSS: Blog FeedPhoto Credits: Midjourney (Public Domain) Talking Rubbish Gurteen Knowledge Café Workshop Continue reading What Does Pope Francis Know About Knowledge Management? Quite a lot it would seem

Dave Snowden Management Consultant

Dave Snowden is a Welsh management consultant and researcher in the field of knowledge management. Known for the development of the Cynefin framework, he is the founder and chief scientific officer of The Cynefin Company, a Singapore-based management consulting firm specializing in complexity and sensemaking. I have known Dave for many years and follow his … Continue reading Dave Snowden Management Consultant

Knowledge Alone Is Not Power or Is It? Seems not everyone agrees

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   February 18, 2021, 10:38I recently posted this quotation on LinkedIn where Michael Schrage states that Knowledge Management is a bullshit issue. It has had a mixed response. Some people agree; others disagree. Take a look here and add your own thoughts. Knowledge Letter: Issue: 248 (Subscribe)Tags: knowledge (64) | knowledge management (51) | … Continue reading Knowledge Alone Is Not Power or Is It? Seems not everyone agrees

Will There Be a Knowledge Management Revival? KM is a generation old

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   January 4, 2023, 13:09Interest in knowledge management has been slowly declining in recent years. Despite this trend, the importance of effectively managing knowledge, particularly at a societal level, remains as critical as ever. It occurred to me over Christmas that the concept of knowledge management has been around for almost 30 years, and … Continue reading Will There Be a Knowledge Management Revival? KM is a generation old

For All Our Knowledge, We Have No Idea What We’re Talking About David Weinberger

For all our knowledge, we have no idea what we’re talking about. We don’t understand what’s going on in our business, our market, and our world. Knowledge Management shouldn’t be about helping us to know more. It should be about helping us to understand. So, how do we understand things? It’s through stories that we … Continue reading For All Our Knowledge, We Have No Idea What We’re Talking About David Weinberger

Becoming Agile: an International Festival of Learning (26 – 29 April) Henley Forum

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   March 10, 2021, 10:44The Henley Forum 21st Annual Conference — Becoming Agile: An international festival of learning — is coming up in April. Although it is virtual once again this year, this is a carefully curated conference, not a series of webinars. The organizers are planning a stimulating 4 half-days of thought, idea … Continue reading Becoming Agile: an International Festival of Learning (26 – 29 April) Henley Forum

Data, Information and Knowledge Differentiating knowledge stuff

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   February 10, 2023, 16:45Although my blook is about Conversational Leadership, I often find myself revisiting the fundamentals of Knowledge Management as they form the foundations of a Conversational Leadership mindset. If you are well-versed in Knowledge Management, there may be little new for you. However, read on if you need help differentiating between … Continue reading Data, Information and Knowledge Differentiating knowledge stuff

Leading Issues in Social Knowledge Management by David Gurteen (2012)

Introduction to Leading Issues in Social Knowledge Management A brief and personal history of Knowledge Management! In its early days, Knowledge Management (KM) was primarily about capturing all the messy unstructured information in an organization; making it searchable and easily accessible to employees. It’s still what most companies mean when they talk about KM – … Continue reading Leading Issues in Social Knowledge Management by David Gurteen (2012)

Knowledge Management Should Deal with the Evolutionary Possibilities of the Present Dave Snowden

Knowledge Management should be focused on real, tangible intractable problems not aspirational goals. It should deal pragmatically with the evolutionary possibilities of the present rather than seeking idealistic solutions. Credit: Dave Snowden Posts where this quotation is embedded Carpe Diem – Seize the Day Seize the day everyone Chatbots and Genai in Knowledge Management Chatbots are more … Continue reading Knowledge Management Should Deal with the Evolutionary Possibilities of the Present Dave Snowden

Ten Years in Knowledge Management David Gurteen

Technology and Democracy The Dialogic Mindset: Learning Emergent Change in a Complex World People: David GurteenDavid Gurteen Keynote speaker, writer and conversational facilitatorBooks: David GurteenA Conversation Architect Designs Strategic Conversations David GurteenAPM Conference: Conversational Leadership David Gurteen (2016)Being Truthful Versus Telling the Truth David GurteenChatbot Constraints David GurteenChatbots as Critical Thinking Partners – Talk for … Continue reading Ten Years in Knowledge Management David Gurteen

Nancy Dixon Researcher and consultant

Nancy Dixon is a researcher and consultant who focuses on the people side of knowledge management. Nancy is a good friend and we are working closely together along with John Hovell to develop the concept of Conversational Leadership. Sharing Tacit Knowledge – the story about Xerox Copy Repair Technicians | Nancy Dixon WebsiteCommon Knowledge AssociatesLinkedinNancy DixonBlogConversation … Continue reading Nancy Dixon Researcher and consultant

The Issues at the Core of Ethical Decision-making and Leadership Bruce Lloyd (2009)

Introduction The objective is simple: “Better decision-making.” The only issue is that there are so many different views over what we mean by “better.” At the core of all decision-making is the need to balance Power with Responsibility, as the vehicle for resolving the “better” question. This article explores why that is so difficult? It … Continue reading The Issues at the Core of Ethical Decision-making and Leadership Bruce Lloyd (2009)

Knowledge Is Not a Commodity to Be Stored and Retrieved David Griffiths (2023)

Knowledge is not a commodity to be stored and retrieved; it is a living, breathing entity birthed from the intricate dance of human interaction. It is a vibrant tapestry woven from the threads of human and non-human actors, engaged in a dynamic, ever-evolving network of collaboration and competition. People are not footnotes in this narrative; … Continue reading Knowledge Is Not a Commodity to Be Stored and Retrieved David Griffiths (2023)

John Hovell Practitioner, speaker, and author in OD/KM strategies

John Hovell is a practitioner, speaker, and author in OD/KM strategies. John is a good friend; we are working closely to develop . LinkedinJohn HovellTwitter@klowey22YouTubeJohn HovellGoogleJohn Hovell Twitter Tweets by John Hovell Posts: John HovellC-group Develop your interpersonal and conversational skillsThree Questions for Meaningful Conversations Clarify focus, approach, and community-building in discussionsBooks: John HovellC-group Develop … Continue reading John Hovell Practitioner, speaker, and author in OD/KM strategies

Do You Know What Oracy Is? Oracy is the ability to speak persuasively

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   October 3, 2023, 11:50I attended a Henley Forum meeting last week where, among other things, we briefly discussed why Knowledge Management had not been more widely adopted. One of the issues raised was that KMers have perhaps not been effective at presenting the case for KM. During the discussion, I asked if anyone … Continue reading Do You Know What Oracy Is? Oracy is the ability to speak persuasively

Conversational Leadership David Gurteen, 2019

David Gurteen talks with Nick Stone about Conversational Leadership Posts where this video is embedded Carpe Diem – Seize the Day Seize the day everyone Chatbots and Genai in Knowledge Management Chatbots are more than just question/answer machines Knowledge Is Not Power Our ability to influence people is power Knowledge Only Exists in the Mind Everything else is information Peer … Continue reading Conversational Leadership David Gurteen, 2019

Curious: the Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends on It by Ian Leslie (2014)

In this book, Curious, Ian Leslie makes a passionate case for the cultivation of our “desire to know.” Drawing on fascinating research from psychology, economics, education, and business, Ian looks at what feeds curiosity and what starves it and finds surprising answers. Curiosity is a mental muscle that atrophies without regular exercise and a habit … Continue reading Curious: the Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends on It by Ian Leslie (2014)

Chatbots as an Aid to Critical Thinking Reasoning and decision-making

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   October 3, 2023, 13:29From a Knowledge Management perspective, many view chatbots as glorified search engines — tools to look up facts or provide straightforward answers. However, chatbots have the capacity for more conversational interactions to aid complex reasoning and decision-making. In my blook, I am developing a chapter on AI and KM. It … Continue reading Chatbots as an Aid to Critical Thinking Reasoning and decision-making

Introduction: Knowledge Management Knowledge Management is not an oxymoron

We Know So Much but Understand So Little Data, Information and Knowledge Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Knowledge Management is practiced through activities that support better decision-making, strategy-making, creativity, and innovation. It’s about making better sense of the world, improved decision-making, strategy formulation, implementation, creativity, and innovation. This is something only human beings … Continue reading Introduction: Knowledge Management Knowledge Management is not an oxymoron

Data, Information and Knowledge What's the difference?

Introduction: Knowledge Management The Importance of Tacit Knowledge Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Effective Knowledge Management is crucial in today’s complex world, however, the distinction between terms like data, information, knowledge, explicit, tacit, and implicit knowledge can often be confusing. It is important to have a clear understanding of the differences. Introduction The … Continue reading Data, Information and Knowledge What’s the difference?

Chatbots and Genai in Knowledge Management Chatbots are more than just question/answer machines

Uses of Chatbots Artificial Intelligence and the Quest for Knowledge Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Knowledge Management and artificial intelligence intersect in exciting ways. GenAI tools like ChatGPT are often considered alternatives to traditional search engines like Google. However, in this mode, they primarily help manage information rather than supporting Knowledge Management. The … Continue reading Chatbots and Genai in Knowledge Management Chatbots are more than just question/answer machines

From Mind to Information – the Role of AI in Knowledge Encoding The Evolution of Knowledge Encoding

Artificial Intelligence and the Quest for Knowledge The Postproduction Paradigm – AI and the Art of Remixing Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Knowledge exists in our minds, and traditional methods of encoding this knowledge into information face significant challenges. However, AI tools now offer innovative solutions for recording, transcribing, and processing both explicit … Continue reading From Mind to Information – the Role of AI in Knowledge Encoding The Evolution of Knowledge Encoding

Knowledge Cafés at NASA Identifying risk issues, and meaningful mitigation approaches

Mandela Chose to Talk The Virtual Random Café Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter You can adapt the Knowledge Café process in a variety of ways and put the Café to a multiplicity of different purposes. This series of Knowledge Cafés ran by NASA was used to identify risk issues and how to mitigate … Continue reading Knowledge Cafés at NASA Identifying risk issues, and meaningful mitigation approaches

Knowledge Only Exists in the Mind Everything else is information

Ways of Knowing From Knowledge to Agency Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter What is the difference between information and knowledge?  In everyday language, the words “knowledge and “information” are used loosely and interchangeably. Knowledge is frequently defined as something like this: Knowledge is a fluid mix of framed experience, values, contextual information, and … Continue reading Knowledge Only Exists in the Mind Everything else is information

Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) Distinguishing Knowledge Management from Information Management

From Knowledge to Agency Don’t Do Knowledge Management ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Knowledge Management and Information Management are often conflated, but this confusion can be resolved by understanding the clear distinction between knowledge and information. Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) are often referred to simply as Knowledge Management (KM). There are … Continue reading Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) Distinguishing Knowledge Management from Information Management

Don’t Do Knowledge Management ** You respond to business problems & develop business opportunities using KM tools

Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) Knowledge Is Not Power Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Don’t do Knowledge Management You don’t do Knowledge Management (KM)! You respond to business problems and develop business opportunities using KM tools. There are NO KM initiatives Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as a KM initiative. You … Continue reading Don’t Do Knowledge Management ** You respond to business problems & develop business opportunities using KM tools

Knowledge Cafés at PSMA Australia Using the Knowledge Café process to run a Knowledge Management Forum

Knowledge Cafés at the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Groucho Club Sales Café Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter This is a story written by Alison Jones, a Knowledge Manager at PSMA Australia, in which she explains how she adapted the Knowledge Café process to run a Knowledge Management forum. In 2019, I joined PSMA … Continue reading Knowledge Cafés at PSMA Australia Using the Knowledge Café process to run a Knowledge Management Forum

Knowledge Is Not Power Our ability to influence people is power

Don’t Do Knowledge Management ** The Four Levels of Knowledge Management Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Is knowledge power, or is it potential power? And if knowledge is not power, what is power?  A little history The phrase “knowledge is power” is a popular translation of the Latin aphorism “scientia potentia est” (or “scientia … Continue reading Knowledge Is Not Power Our ability to influence people is power

Introduction: Knowledge Café Improving decision-making, innovation, and collaboration

Knowledge Café: Getting Started The Knowledge Café Metaphor Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The Knowledge Café is a conversational method that gathers a group of people to share knowledge and experiences, learn from one another, build relationships, and make better sense of a rapidly changing, complex, less predictable world. The aim is to … Continue reading Introduction: Knowledge Café Improving decision-making, innovation, and collaboration

The Four Levels of Knowledge Management The relation between Conversational Leadership and Knowledge Management

Knowledge Is Not Power Is “useless Knowledge” Useless? Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Knowledge Management has evolved since the mid-90s, shifting from managing information to building collective knowledge. The challenge lies in adapting KM practices to meet today’s complex needs. A four-level framework can provide a structured approach, helping organizations move from information … Continue reading The Four Levels of Knowledge Management The relation between Conversational Leadership and Knowledge Management

We Know So Much but Understand So Little It is through conversation we make sense of the world

What Is a Knowledge Worker? Introduction: Knowledge Management Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Knowledge Management tends to focus on the management of information in the belief that if we have more information, better quality information, and more accessible information, we will do our jobs better. This belief is just not true. We need … Continue reading We Know So Much but Understand So Little It is through conversation we make sense of the world