This book Cynefin – Weaving Sense-Making into the Fabric of Our World chronicles the origin story and historical evolution of the Cynefin Framework, including personal vignettes where network members share how it has impacted their lives, and reflections by practitioners on how they have applied it across many diverse contexts. AustraliaAustriaBrazilCanadaChinaCzech RepublicEgyptFranceGermanyGlobalIndiaItalyJapanMexicoNetherlandsPolandSaudia ArabiaSingaporeSpainTurkeyUAEUnited KingdomUnited … Continue reading Cynefin – Weaving Sense-making Into the Fabric of Our World by Dave Snowden & friends (2020)
True values are not taught and declared, they evolve through the acts and interaction of the living, they are understood at a near tacit level by those who live them. Credit: Dave Snowden Posts where this quotation is embedded Actor-network Theory (ANT) Actor-Network Theory Adaptive Funding for Innovation Diversifying investments to drive innovation Collective Sense-making The Knowledge Café … Continue reading True Values Are Not Taught and Declared Dave Snowden
In the idealistic approach, the leaders of an organization set out an ideal future state that they wish to achieve, identify the gap between the ideal and their perception of the present, and seek to close it. This is common not only to process-based theory but also to practice that follows the general heading of … Continue reading Idealistic Verses Naturalistic Approach to Business Dave Snowden
Gurteen Knowledge Blog September 2, 2024, 09:50I’ve long followed Dave Snowden’s work, which began with a focus on knowledge management and has since shifted towards complexity and anthro-complexity (the study of the complex systems and processes involved in human societies, including social, economic, political, and cultural phenomena). If one person has influenced my thinking more than … Continue reading Upcoming Events with Dave Snowden See the world through the lens of complexity
Gurteen Knowledge Blog April 1, 2022, 11:59I have been working in the Knowledge Management field for over twenty years, and I am still amazed when I stumble over theories and ideas I should have learned about years ago. Last year, I uncovered The Argumentive Theory of Human Reasoning – a theory proposed by Dan Sperber and … Continue reading Two Interesting Theories of Reason Social reasoning and the narrative paradigm
Gurteen Knowledge Blog July 3, 2022, 19:39To capture ideas about the future, the European Commission’s Competence Centre on Foresight has launched an event #OurFutures – Images for the future of Europe. The Centre invites you to write a short story expressing what you would like to see in the Europe of the future, with your hopes, … Continue reading Images for the Future of Europe The future can evolve in different directions, each shaped by today’s actions
We always know more than we can say, and we will always say more than we can write down. Credit: Dave Snowden Posts where this quotation is embedded Actor-network Theory (ANT) Actor-Network Theory Adaptive Funding for Innovation Diversifying investments to drive innovation Collective Sense-making The Knowledge Café is a powerful collective sense-making tool Complex Is Not the Same as Complicated … Continue reading We Always Know More Than We Can Say Dave Snowden
Gurteen Knowledge Blog November 22, 2024, 11:27Dave Snowden’s vector theory of change has influenced how I think about conversations and their role in navigating change. Rather than aiming for rigid outcomes, a conversation is about creating the right conditions and allowing conversations to flow naturally—unlocking creativity, insight, and the potential for meaningful change. I like to … Continue reading The Flow of Conversations Unlocking creativity through adaptive dialogue
I have long argued, and repeated ad nauseam that in complexity we start journeys with a sense of direction we don’t try and achieve goals. We remain open to the evolutionary opportunities of the here and now, the present and the adjacent future states. Credit: Dave Snowden Source: On craft in strategy by Dave SnowdenPosts … Continue reading In Complexity We Start Journeys with a Sense of Direction Dave Snowden
Dave Snowden is a Welsh management consultant and researcher in the field of knowledge management. Known for the development of the Cynefin framework, he is the founder and chief scientific officer of The Cynefin Company, a Singapore-based management consulting firm specializing in complexity and sensemaking. I have known Dave for many years and follow his … Continue reading Dave Snowden Management Consultant
Changing the interactions between people is both more effective in achieving change and more ethical; telling people what sort of people you think they should be is a paternalistic form of neo-colonialism. Credit: Dave Snowden Posts where this quotation is embedded Actor-network Theory (ANT) Actor-Network Theory Adaptive Funding for Innovation Diversifying investments to drive innovation Collective Sense-making The … Continue reading Changing the Interactions Between People Dave Snowden
The “human” in anthro-complexity is not a disembodied mind; it is not a mechanical body nor an island entirely of itself. Complex humans are mind-body-world beings, all rolled into one. Credit: Dave Snowden People: Dave SnowdenDave Snowden Management ConsultantPosts: Dave SnowdenCarpe Diem – Seize the Day Seize the day everyoneChanging People ** The challenge of … Continue reading Complex Humans Are Mind-body-world Beings Dave Snowden
Stop the paternalistic attempt to define how people think and engineer a XYZ culture and instead focus on creating and disrupting connections and engaging people in small actions in the here and now. Mindset change smacks of indoctrination. Credit: Dave Snowden Source: Dave Snowden in a post on LinkedIn.Posts where this quotation is embedded Actor-network Theory … Continue reading Mindset Change Smacks of Indoctrination Dave Snowden
Knowledge Management should be focused on real, tangible intractable problems not aspirational goals. It should deal pragmatically with the evolutionary possibilities of the present rather than seeking idealistic solutions. Credit: Dave Snowden Posts where this quotation is embedded Actor-network Theory (ANT) Actor-Network Theory Adaptive Funding for Innovation Diversifying investments to drive innovation Collective Sense-making The Knowledge Café is … Continue reading Knowledge Management Should Deal with the Evolutionary Possibilities of the Present Dave Snowden
If you want to make any real difference then stop making lists of idealised qualities of how things should be — they will always end up as anodyne platitudes — focus on understanding and critically ACTING in the present to start shifting things in a better direction Credit: Dave Snowden Source: Dave Snowden in a … Continue reading Stop Making Lists of Idealised Qualities of How Things Should Be Dave Snowden
A clear, succinct 5 minutes introduction to Dave Snowden’s Cynefin Framework by Jennifer Garvey Berger. Making Sense of Complexity – an introduction to Cynefin | Jennifer Garvey Berger Posts where this video is embedded Actor-network Theory (ANT) Actor-Network Theory Adaptive Funding for Innovation Diversifying investments to drive innovation Collective Sense-making The Knowledge Café is a powerful collective sense-making … Continue reading Making Sense of Complexity – an Introduction to Cynefin Jennifer Garvey Berger (2017)
Posts where this video is embedded Actor-network Theory (ANT) Actor-Network Theory Adaptive Funding for Innovation Diversifying investments to drive innovation Collective Sense-making The Knowledge Café is a powerful collective sense-making tool Complex Is Not the Same as Complicated We tend to use “complex” to describe things that are actually just complicated or challenging. Congruence, Coherence, and Contingent Truth Building a … Continue reading How to Organize a Children’s Party Dave Snowden
Many people believe that complexity is just higher-order complicatedness i.e. that there is a continuum and that the difference is one of degree, not type. When one considers however how very different these states are from each other, I tend to agree with Dave Snowden when he says that there are in fact phase shifts … Continue reading Complex and Complicated Systems Are Fundamentally Different Sonja Blignaut
Organizational culture is the attitudes, customs, rituals, values and beliefs shared by the members of an organization that govern their behavior. Organizational culture is emergent. It is the result of the everyday interactions, behaviors, and conversations by the members of an organization. Culture is the way that we do things around here that we all … Continue reading What Is Organizational Culture? Dave Snowden
Gurteen Knowledge Blog March 23, 2024, 10:29Change is constant and unpredictable in our complex world. Traditional linear approaches to managing change often fail to deliver results, leaving us struggling to adapt. The Vector Theory of Change, developed by Dave Snowden and described in my blook post “Navigating Change in a Complex World,” offers a solution. This … Continue reading Charting a New Course Dave Snowden’s Vector Theory of Change
The Cynefin Framework | Dave Snowden Posts that link to this post We Humans Are Complex Human socio-technical systems are complexPeople: Dave SnowdenDave Snowden Management ConsultantPosts: Dave SnowdenCarpe Diem – Seize the Day Seize the day everyoneChanging People ** The challenge of trying to change peopleConversations Through the Cynefin Lens Unraveling the intricacies of everyday conversationsThe … Continue reading The Cynefin Framework Dave Snowden
Gurteen Knowledge Blog April 15, 2024, 09:58In a recently updated post in my blook, I explain how Dave Snowden’s concept of safe-to-fail probes addresses the challenges of managing unpredictable, complex systems where traditional linear problem-solving is likely to fail. Large-scale interventions can be risky in complex environments where cause and effect are only apparent in hindsight—Snowden … Continue reading Navigating Complexity with Safe-to-fail Probes Dave Snowden
Abstract Many executives are surprised when previously successful leadership approaches fail in new situations, but different contexts call for different kinds of responses. Before addressing a situation, leaders need to recognize which context governs it -and tailor their actions accordingly. Snowden and Boone have formed a new perspective on leadership and decision making that’s based … Continue reading A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making David J. Snowden and Mary E. Boone (2007)
True Eureka innovation is not going to happen by an internal training programme but from engagement in the real world. Credit: Dave Snowden Posts where this quotation is embedded Actor-network Theory (ANT) Actor-Network Theory Adaptive Funding for Innovation Diversifying investments to drive innovation Collective Sense-making The Knowledge Café is a powerful collective sense-making tool Complex Is Not the Same … Continue reading True Eureka Innovation Is Only Going to Happen by Engagement in the Real World Dave Snowden
Writing with AI Isn’t Necessarily Cheating Protected: My Writing Process ## Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Conversations shape how we understand and adapt to change. When dialogue is restricted by rigid goals or constrained by fixed plans and schedules, creativity, and insight are often lost. By embracing a flexible, direction-focused approach and allowing … Continue reading The Vector of Great Conversations A parallel between the vector theory of change and conversational leadership
Understanding Scientific Terms The Fallibility of Science Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Understanding the world requires frameworks grounded in logic and evidence. Theories that align with observed facts and adapt to discoveries provide reliable explanations. By examining the principles of coherence and congruence, we can evaluate the validity and utility of ideas in … Continue reading Congruence, Coherence, and Contingent Truth Building a framework for understanding
Constraints in Complex Systems Complex Adaptive Systems Vs. Complex Responsive Processes ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The Cynefin framework helps you make better decisions by helping you understand your situation/context and use an appropriate decision-making method. The Cynefin framework is a conceptual framework created in 1999 by Dave Snowden to aid decision-making. … Continue reading The Cynefin Framework A conceptual framework to help make decisions
Conversations Are Complex Responsive Processes Dispositional States ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Navigating conversations can be challenging, especially when the dynamics shift from simple exchanges to complex discussions. The Cynefin framework, originally designed for decision-making, offers a useful perspective on these communication challenges. By identifying the Cynefin domain we are conversing in, … Continue reading Conversations Through the Cynefin Lens Unraveling the intricacies of everyday conversations
Emergence in Complex Systems ** Navigating Complexity with Safe-to-fail Probes Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Traditional change management methods, with their rigid plans and fixed outcomes, often struggle in today’s complex, unpredictable environments. Dave Snowden’s Vector Theory of Change offers a more adaptable solution by focusing on setting a broad direction (vector) rather … Continue reading The Vector Theory of Change Navigating change in a complex world
Navigating Complexity with Safe-to-fail Probes Technical Challenges and Complex Adaptive Challenges Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Navigating complexity requires experimental techniques. Catalytic probes stimulate system reactions, while safe-to-fail probes allow controlled failure. Both enable learning and adaptation through small-scale interventions in unpredictable environments. The concept of a “catalytic probe” is closely related to … Continue reading Exploring Uncertainty – the Role of Catalytic and Safe-to-fail Probes Essential Tools for Understanding and Influencing Complex Systems
Enlightenment 2.0 The Anthropocene Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Understanding complexity in today’s world requires a new perspective. Traditional methods struggle with the deep interconnectedness of modern systems, leading to unpredictable outcomes. Embracing the concept of entanglement helps us navigate these complexities by recognizing the need for adaptive and integrated approaches. Dave Snowden … Continue reading From Enlightenment to Entanglement Adapting to the complexities of an interconnected world
The Many Faces of Strategy ** Strategic Conversations Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter What is meant by strategy, and how do you develop a strategy in a complex world? In a complex and unpredictable world, strategy takes on a broader and more nuanced meaning than simply creating a plan to achieve a set … Continue reading Strategy in a Complex World ** Strategy is much more than a plan
Conversation in Hong Kong A Conversation Dinner in Turin Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter On 16th March 2017, I ran a Knowledge Café in London for NetIKX (The Network for Information and Knowledge Exchange) – an independent community interested in information and knowledge management. The purpose of the Café was to explore the problems of entrenched … Continue reading Gurteen Knowledge Café: Entrenched and Entrained Thinking A blog post by Conrad Taylor
Zoom Virtual Knowledge Cafés ** Reversing Cause and Effect Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Change is a constant aspect of our lives, gradually shaping our identities. However, we face difficulties when attempting to change others’ behaviors. Direct attempts to control or coerce usually result in resistance and unintended consequences. Embracing a conversational approach … Continue reading Changing People ** The challenge of trying to change people
Say So, If You Don’t Have an Opinion Owning Our Mistakes ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Carpe diem is a Latin aphorism, usually translated as “seize the day” or “pluck the day [as it is ripe].” We should take this philosophy more seriously. Seize the Day or Carpe Diem is an interesting philosophy with … Continue reading Carpe Diem – Seize the Day Seize the day everyone
The Role of Human Agency Within Actor-network Theory Introduction: Complexity Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter We often construct false narratives in complex situations to make the past seem predictable. This habit, called retrospective coherence, hides the actual uncertainty of past events. Understanding this bias allows us to see complexity more clearly and avoid … Continue reading Retrospective Coherence in a Complex World How oversimplified narratives distort the past and hinder decision-making
Peer Instruction Vs. Peer Learning Learn by Talking Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter How can we effectively share knowledge, particularly tacit knowledge, which cannot be easily encoded into information or implicit knowledge that is not consciously known? The Nature of Knowledge Knowledge is etched into our minds in long-term memory from experience, years … Continue reading Sharing Knowledge Through Conversation Knowledge isn’t there the way ore is buried
Entrenched Thinking Managers Are Employees Too ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Entrained thinking is a conditioned response that occurs when people are blinded to new ways of thinking by the perspectives they acquired through past experience, training, and success. Credit: Dave Snowden & Mary Boone, A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making, Harvard … Continue reading Entrained Thinking Blinded to new ways of thinking by perspectives acquired through past experience