The Knowledge Café: A Unique Teaching Experience Susan A. Baim (2016)

ABSTRACT Teaching adult learners in a community-based educational setting differs in many ways from applying typical campus-based or online instructional best practices. Adult learners show tremendous diversity in their backgrounds, approach learning in a myriad of different ways, and rely heavily on their past experiences to help guide their future knowledge acquisition. Teaching a thoroughly … Continue reading The Knowledge Café: A Unique Teaching Experience Susan A. Baim (2016)

Knowledge Café: New Approach in Teaching and Learning at Higher Learning Institutions Noryana Ahmad Khusaini, Mohd Shamsul Daud, Seri Intan Idayu Shahrul Asari, Nordibradini Selamat

Abstract The 21st century learning requires huge transformation and shift in local educational delivery system and practice to cater expectations of the nations. It seems to be relevant to solve problem like soft skills of the students in which it was highlighted by the Malaysian Ministry of Education in 2015. In general, many employers claim … Continue reading Knowledge Café: New Approach in Teaching and Learning at Higher Learning Institutions Noryana Ahmad Khusaini, Mohd Shamsul Daud, Seri Intan Idayu Shahrul Asari, Nordibradini Selamat

Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Cafés – a Case Study in Higher Education Desireé J Cranfield, Isabella M Venter, Sue Evans, Ellen Spender

Abstract Higher Education Institutions are knowledge intensive institutions. Academics are considered knowledge workers within a knowledge society, with a remit to create and transfer knowledge to their students, as well as to distribute and share the knowledge created from research undertaken. These forms of knowledge sharing within Higher Education Institutions happen as part of the … Continue reading Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Cafés – a Case Study in Higher Education Desireé J Cranfield, Isabella M Venter, Sue Evans, Ellen Spender

Teaching Innovation, Conversations, Community of Practice: Using Knowledge Cafe’s to Share Teaching Best Practice … D.J. Cranfield, D. Gurteen (2020)

Abstract The Internet of Things has brought about changes in the way we live, work and play, enabling enhanced connectedness with associated radical opportunities to improve every sector and area of our lives. Access to information is continuous, ubiquitous, time and place independent, which has revolutionized the workplace, becoming progressively complex, and continually changing. With … Continue reading Teaching Innovation, Conversations, Community of Practice: Using Knowledge Cafe’s to Share Teaching Best Practice … D.J. Cranfield, D. Gurteen (2020)

Listening to Learn Jennifer Garvey Berger (2017)

Listening to Learn | Jennifer Garvey Berger People: Jennifer Garvey BergerJennifer Garvey Berger Developmental coach and authorBooks: Jennifer Garvey BergerJennifer Garvey Berger Developmental coach and authorListening to Learn Jennifer Garvey Berger (2017)Making Sense of Complexity – an Introduction to Cynefin Jennifer Garvey Berger (2017)Safe-to-fail Experiments Jennifer Garvey Berger (2018)Videos: Jennifer Garvey BergerListening to Learn Jennifer … Continue reading Listening to Learn Jennifer Garvey Berger (2017)

Conversation Is the Single Greatest Learning Tool in Your Organization William O'Brien

Conversation is the single greatest learning tool in your organization — more important than computers or sophisticated research. As a society, we know the art of small talk; we can talk about how the Red Sox are doing or where we went on vacation. But when we face contentious issues — when there are feelings … Continue reading Conversation Is the Single Greatest Learning Tool in Your Organization William O’Brien

Conversation Is the Breath of the Curious, Learning Life Tom Peters

Conversation is the breath of the curious, learning life. Credit: Tom Peters Comment: Tom Peters’ quote perfectly aligns with the essence of Conversational Leadership—the idea that meaningful dialogue drives learning, innovation, and change. Conversation isn’t just an exchange of words; it’s the fuel for curiosity, insight, and connection. Leaders who embrace conversation as a learning … Continue reading Conversation Is the Breath of the Curious, Learning Life Tom Peters

We Learn by Talking When speaking we organize cognitively what we know

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   May 2, 2022, 17:34We exchange information, conclusions, reasoning & questions with others. Although the benefits to the receiver are apparent, surprisingly, there is evidence that the speaker makes the greatest cognitive gains from the exchange. Knowledge Letter: Issue: 263 (Subscribe)Tags: conversational learning (20) | learning (36) | Nancy Dixon (13) | speaking (5)RSS: … Continue reading We Learn by Talking When speaking we organize cognitively what we know

The After-action Review Is Arguably One of the Most Successful Organizational Learning Methods Peter Senge

The Army’s After Action Review (AAR) is arguably one of the most successful organizational learning methods yet devised. Yet, most every corporate effort to graft this truly innovative practice into their culture has failed because, again and again, people reduce the living practice of AAR’s to a sterile technique. Credit: Peter Senge People: Peter SengePeter … Continue reading The After-action Review Is Arguably One of the Most Successful Organizational Learning Methods Peter Senge

Introduction: Conversational Learning Unleashing knowledge

Collective Sense-making The Power of Peer Instruction Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Conversational learning is a form of learning that takes place through meaningful conversations and interactions between individuals. It emphasizes the importance of dialogue, exchange of ideas, and active engagement in the learning process. Unlike traditional, more one-sided learning forms, conversational learning … Continue reading Introduction: Conversational Learning Unleashing knowledge

Conversation Is the Most Powerful Learning Technology Ever Invented Jay Cross

Conversation is the most powerful learning technology ever invented. Conversations carry news, create meaning, foster cooperation, and spark innovation. Encouraging open, honest conversation through workspace design, setting ground rules for conversing productively, and baking conversation into the corporate culture spread intellectual capital, improve cooperation, and strengthen personal relationships. Credit: Jay Cross Books: Jay CrossConversation Is … Continue reading Conversation Is the Most Powerful Learning Technology Ever Invented Jay Cross

Learning Together and Alone: Cooperative, Competitive, and Individualistic Learning by David W. Johnson, Roger T. Johnson

In this book, Learning Together and Alone, the authors integrate cooperative learning with competitive and individualistic learning by providing guidelines for managing critical issues such as teaching social skills, assessing competencies and involvement, and resolving conflict among group members. Each type of learning is clearly defined; the advantages and disadvantages of each are covered, and … Continue reading Learning Together and Alone: Cooperative, Competitive, and Individualistic Learning by David W. Johnson, Roger T. Johnson

The Role of Conversation in Health Care Interventions Enabling sensemaking and learning

Abstract Background Those attempting to implement changes in health care settings often find that intervention efforts do not progress as expected. Unexpected outcomes are often attributed to variation and/or error in implementation processes. We argue that some unanticipated variation in intervention outcomes arises because unexpected conversations emerge during intervention attempts. The purpose of this paper … Continue reading The Role of Conversation in Health Care Interventions Enabling sensemaking and learning

Conversational Learning: an Experiential Approach to Knowledge Creation by Ann C. Baker, Patricia J. Jensen, David A. Kolb (2002)

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The Power of Peer Instruction Why explaining ideas to others leads to deeper learning

Introduction: Conversational Learning The Power of Peer Learning Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Traditional lectures often fail to engage students in real understanding. People need more than just information—they need to make sense of it through discussion. Peer Instruction helps by encouraging learners to explain ideas to each other, leading to deeper learning … Continue reading The Power of Peer Instruction Why explaining ideas to others leads to deeper learning

Peer Instruction Vs. Peer Learning Rethinking how we learn and lead

The Power of Peer Learning Sharing Knowledge Through Conversation Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter People learn differently, and how they engage with knowledge shapes their understanding. Traditional teaching methods often focus on delivering information rather than encouraging discussion and exploration. Peer instruction and peer learning offer different approaches that help people engage actively, … Continue reading Peer Instruction Vs. Peer Learning Rethinking how we learn and lead

Equinor Management Training Cafés You learn when you converse

Hong Kong MTR Coffee Evenings and Liaison Trains Al Jazeera Cafe Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Background At one time, the Norwegian oil company Statoil (now Equinor) innovatively employed the Knowledge Café in their management training. I find this application quite impactful and have outlined the process below. They illustrated the use of … Continue reading Equinor Management Training Cafés You learn when you converse

Sharing Knowledge Through Conversation Knowledge isn't there the way ore is buried

Peer Instruction Vs. Peer Learning Learn by Talking Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter How can we effectively share knowledge, particularly tacit knowledge, which cannot be easily encoded into information or implicit knowledge that is not consciously known? The Nature of Knowledge Knowledge is etched into our minds in long-term memory from experience, years … Continue reading Sharing Knowledge Through Conversation Knowledge isn’t there the way ore is buried

Collective Sense-making The Knowledge Café is a powerful collective sense-making tool

Learn by Talking Introduction: Conversational Learning Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter How do we make sense of the world so we can act in it? Collective Sensemaking How do we make sense of the world? Sense-making: How do we make sense of the world so we can act in it? Credit: Dave Snowden … Continue reading Collective Sense-making The Knowledge Café is a powerful collective sense-making tool