Disagreeability needs to make a roaring comeback. Credit: Eric Weinstein Books: Eric_WeinsteinDisagreeability Needs to Make a Roaring Comeback Eric WeinsteinQuotations: Eric_WeinsteinDisagreeability Needs to Make a Roaring Comeback Eric WeinsteinTags: constructive disagreement (17) | disagreement (12) | Eric Weinstein (1)Google Web Search Photo Credits: Pixabay (Pixabay)This quotation is part of a blook on Conversational Leadership. It is … Continue reading Disagreeability Needs to Make a Roaring Comeback Eric Weinstein
People: Arthur BrooksArthur C. Brooks American social scientistBooks: Arthur BrooksArthur C. Brooks American social scientistLove Your Enemies — Disagree Better, Not Less Arthur BrooksLove Your Enemies — Say No to Contempt Arthur BrooksLove Your Enemies: How Decent People Can Save America From Our Culture of Contempt: Arthur C. Brooks (2019)Why We Hate Our Political Enemies … Continue reading Love Your Enemies — Say No to Contempt Arthur Brooks
Gurteen Knowledge Blog May 3, 2021, 11:37I used to have a good friend. We could talk about absolutely anything and had some incredible conversations. He died a few years ago, and I greatly miss him. What I liked about him, but at the same time, what annoyed me was that he was a contrarian. Whenever I … Continue reading The Value of a Contrarian Thinker They help you question your beliefs
In this book, Conflicted, Ian Leslie draws essential lessons on how to disagree well from world-class experts: interrogators, hostage negotiators, divorce mediators, diplomats, and addiction counselors. It tells inspiring stories of productive disagreements, from the invention of the airplane to the success of The Rolling Stones, and combines them with fascinating insights from the science … Continue reading Conflicted: Why Arguments Are Tearing Us Apart and How They Can Bring Us Together by Ian Leslie (2021)
We don’t have a good word for engaging in a non-hostile disagreement with the shared aim of moving the participants towards a new understanding, better decision or new idea. Debate implies a competition with winners and losers. Argument comes tinged with animosity. Dialogue is too bland. Dialectic is too obscure. We talk about argument as … Continue reading We Don’t Have a Good Word for Engaging in a Non-hostile Disagreement Ian Leslie
Imagine a culture where an argument is viewed as a dance, the participants are seen as performers, and the goal is to perform in a balanced and aesthetically pleasing way. In such a culture, people would view arguments differently, experience them differently, carry them out differently, and talk about them differently. But we would probably … Continue reading Imagine a Culture Where an Argument Is Viewed as a Dance George Lakoff and Mark Johnsen
Productive disagreement depends on how people feel about each other. We spend a lot of time thinking about how to argue, and not enough on how to shape the relationship that will define how the engagement goes. It’s often said that in order to disagree well, people need to put emotions aside and think purely … Continue reading Productive Disagreement Depends on How People Feel About Each Other Ian Leslie
Books: Julia DharHow to Disagree Productively and Find Common Ground Julia DharHow to Have Constructive Conversations Julia DharVideos: Julia DharHow to Disagree Productively and Find Common Ground Julia DharHow to Have Constructive Conversations Julia DharTags: constructive disagreement (17) | conversation (187) | curiosity (23) | Julia Dhar (2)Google Web Search Photo Credits: Midjourney ()This page is … Continue reading How to Have Constructive Conversations Julia Dhar
Books: Julia DharHow to Disagree Productively and Find Common Ground Julia DharHow to Have Constructive Conversations Julia DharVideos: Julia DharHow to Disagree Productively and Find Common Ground Julia DharHow to Have Constructive Conversations Julia DharTags: constructive disagreement (17) | disagreement (12) | Julia Dhar (2)Google Web Search Photo Credits: Midjourney ()This page is part of a … Continue reading How to Disagree Productively and Find Common Ground Julia Dhar
People: Arthur BrooksArthur C. Brooks American social scientistBooks: Arthur BrooksArthur C. Brooks American social scientistLove Your Enemies — Disagree Better, Not Less Arthur BrooksLove Your Enemies — Say No to Contempt Arthur BrooksLove Your Enemies: How Decent People Can Save America From Our Culture of Contempt: Arthur C. Brooks (2019)Why We Hate Our Political Enemies … Continue reading Love Your Enemies — Disagree Better, Not Less Arthur Brooks
Rule Omega | Jordan Greenhall, Daniel Schmachtenberger, and Jamie Wheal Give people the benefit of the doubt: When having a conversation with someone to make sense of a situation or discuss new ideas and they say something that you consider stupid, don’t tell them it’s a stupid idea but ask them to expand on their … Continue reading Rule Omega Jordan Greenhall, Daniel Schmachtenberger, and Jamie Wheal (2019)
The Purposes of Conversation Levels of Conversation ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter To have a productive conversation, participants must possess several conversational capacities. In two articles, Conversation and Silence, Part One, and Conversations That Matter: What It Takes to Have Them, Dave Pollard lists seven prerequisites or capacities for an effective or real conversation – one … Continue reading Conversational Capacities Prerequisites to a good conversation
Anecdote Circles Brainstorming Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter In challenging conversations, differing viewpoints can lead to tension and misunderstandings. A conversation covenant offers a structured approach to ensure respectful, constructive dialogue. By establishing agreed-upon guidelines, it helps create a safe environment for discussing even the most difficult topics. What is a conversation covenant? … Continue reading Conversation Covenant Creating a psychologically safer space for difficult conversations
Science Curiosity The Global Information Ecosystem Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter To discredit someone means to cause them to lose people’s respect or trust. We acquire most of our knowledge by accepting the beliefs of those people or institutions we trust, so discrediting authority figures or institutions is one of the most effective, … Continue reading Discrediting People ** Cause them to lose the respect or trust of others
Speak with Less Conviction Reduce Emailing and Texting ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Disagree constructively: Disagreement is an inevitable part of life. Most of the time, we do it poorly. We need to learn to disagree constructively. How do we go about it? A simple disagreement hierarchy provides guidance. Disagreement is an … Continue reading Disagree Constructively How to disagree well
Difficult Conversations Introduction: Conversational Leadership Skills Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter An impossible conversation may feel futile as it occurs between individuals who possess radically different ideas, beliefs, morals, politics, or worldviews. Such conversations are likely to lead to arguments and even physical altercations. So, how can we engage in impossible conversations? To … Continue reading Impossible Conversations Navigating conversations across ideological divides