Source: Dave Snowden in a post on LinkedIn.If you want to make any real difference then stop making lists of idealised qualities of how things should be — they will always end up as anodyne platitudes — focus on understanding and critically ACTING in the present to start shifting things in a better direction
Credit: Dave Snowden
Posts where this quotation is embeddedPeople: Dave Snowden
Posts: Dave Snowden
- Carpe Diem – Seize the Day Seize the day everyone
- Changing People ** The challenge of trying to change people
- Conversations Through the Cynefin Lens Unraveling the intricacies of everyday conversations
- The Cynefin Framework A conceptual framework to help make decisions
- The Vector Theory of Change Navigating change in a complex world
- We Humans Are Complex Human socio-technical systems are complex
Books: Dave Snowden
Quotations: Dave Snowden
- Changing the Interactions Between People Dave Snowden
- Complex Humans Are Mind-body-world Beings Dave Snowden
- Idealistic Verses Naturalistic Approach to Business Dave Snowden
- In Complexity We Start Journeys with a Sense of Direction Dave Snowden
- Knowledge Management Should Deal with the Evolutionary Possibilities of the Present Dave Snowden
- Mindset Change Smacks of Indoctrination Dave Snowden
- Stop Making Lists of Idealised Qualities of How Things Should Be Dave Snowden
- True Eureka Innovation Is Only Going to Happen by Engagement in the Real World Dave Snowden
- True Values Are Not Taught and Declared Dave Snowden
- We Always Know More Than We Can Say Dave Snowden
- What Is Organizational Culture? Dave Snowden
Videos: Dave Snowden
Papers: Dave Snowden
Blog Posts: Dave Snowden
Tags: change (23) | Dave Snowden (38) | mindset (14)
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The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a free monthly newsletter with over 20,000 subscribers that I have been publishing by email for over 20 years.
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