The Most Radical Thing We Can Do Is Connect People to One Another Rosabeth Moss Kanter

The most radical thing we can do is connect people to one another. That starts conversations toward a vision for change. Credit: Rosabeth Moss Kanter Books: Rosabeth Moss KanterOperating Without Hierarchy Rosabeth Moss KanterThe Most Radical Thing We Can Do Is Connect People to One Another Rosabeth Moss KanterQuotations: Rosabeth Moss KanterOperating Without Hierarchy Rosabeth Moss … Continue reading The Most Radical Thing We Can Do Is Connect People to One Another Rosabeth Moss Kanter

We Are Living Through One of the Most Fundamental Shifts in History Willis Harman

We are living through one of the most fundamental shifts in history- a change in the actual belief structure of Western society. No economic, political, or military power can compare with the power of a change of mind. By deliberately changing their images of reality, people are changing the world. Credit: Willis Harman Comment: This … Continue reading We Are Living Through One of the Most Fundamental Shifts in History Willis Harman

I Believe We Can Change the World If We Start Listening to One Another Again Meg Wheatley

I believe we can change the world if we start listening to one another again. Simple, honest, human conversation. Not mediation, negotiation, problem-solving, debate, or public meetings. Simple, truthful conversation where we each have a chance to speak, we each feel heard, and we each listen well. Credit: Meg Wheatley Source: Turning to One AnotherPeople: … Continue reading I Believe We Can Change the World If We Start Listening to One Another Again Meg Wheatley

Driving Environmental Change Individuals and Government Working Together

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   June 1, 2023, 10:51I like the argument made in this article; A better environment does start with you. In it, the author, Marc Davidson, challenges the notion that governments alone are responsible for solving the climate crisis. He argues against the either/or debate of individual responsibility versus government intervention, stating that it leads … Continue reading Driving Environmental Change Individuals and Government Working Together

We Are Collectively Responsible for Global Conditions Ronald Heifetz

We own collective responsibility for the global conditions that we impact and that impact us. We will not make these changes based on authority-based leadership, but rather with each of us taking a leadership role. Credit: Ronald Heifetz People: Ronald HeifetzRonald Heifetz Founding Director of the Center for Public Leadership at Harvard UniversityPosts: Ronald HeifetzLeadership … Continue reading We Are Collectively Responsible for Global Conditions Ronald Heifetz

Relationship and Connectedness Are the Pre-condition for Change Peter Block

Relationship and connectedness are the pre-condition for change. Every meeting, every process, every training program has to get people connected first. Otherwise, the content falls on deaf ears. So small groups are an essential building block to any future you want to create. Credit: Peter Block People: Peter BlockPeter Block Author, Consultant and SpeakerPosts: Peter … Continue reading Relationship and Connectedness Are the Pre-condition for Change Peter Block

Your Art Is the Act of Taking Personal Responsibility Seth Godin

Your art is the act of taking personal responsibility, challenging the status quo, and changing people. Credit: Seth Godin Source: Seth Godin (2010). “Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?” (p.85, Penguin)People: Seth GodinSeth Godin AuthorPosts: Seth GodinExploring the Multifaceted Roles of Trust in Relationships and Society Without trust our civilization would collapseBooks: Seth GodinAuthority Verses Responsibility Seth … Continue reading Your Art Is the Act of Taking Personal Responsibility Seth Godin

Change Starts From Small Conversations Meg Wheatley

Very great change starts from very small conversations, held among people who care. Credit: Meg Wheatley Comment: Conversational Leadership reminds us that meaningful change doesn’t start with declarations but with thoughtful conversations among those who care.People: Meg WheatleyMeg Wheatley American writer and management consultantBooks: Meg WheatleyAsk What’s Possible, Not What’s Wrong Meg WheatleyBe Brave Enough … Continue reading Change Starts From Small Conversations Meg Wheatley

Leadership in Complexity and Change: for a World in Constant Motion by Sharon Varney (2021)

In this book, Leadership in Complexity and Change, Sharon Varney draws on complexity science to paint a picture of a world in constant motion, where leadership is enacted in the midst of complexity and continuous change. We must learn to engage with complexity. If not now, when? Part I of this book brings complexity science … Continue reading Leadership in Complexity and Change: for a World in Constant Motion by Sharon Varney (2021)

Opinion Polarization We are polarized across political, religious, moral, and racial divides

The Extended Mind Rethinking Our Beliefs Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Polarization of opinions is becoming more prevalent in today’s society and is creating both unrest at the societal level as well as conflict within small groups with different views. We are polarized across political, religious, moral, and racial divides. We fail to … Continue reading Opinion Polarization We are polarized across political, religious, moral, and racial divides

Changing People ** The challenge of trying to change people

Zoom Virtual Knowledge Cafés ** Reversing Cause and Effect Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Change is a constant aspect of our lives, gradually shaping our identities. However, we face difficulties when attempting to change others’ behaviors. Direct attempts to control or coerce usually result in resistance and unintended consequences. Embracing a conversational approach … Continue reading Changing People ** The challenge of trying to change people

Ownership, Not Buy-in We need to move from buy-in to ownership

Leadership Is a Practice Not a Position of Authority Shared Meaning Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter One of the most significant mistakes we often commit when striving to initiate change is trying to enforce things upon others. We identify problems, create visions, manifestos, strategies, and plans to implement so-called solutions (there are no … Continue reading Ownership, Not Buy-in We need to move from buy-in to ownership

Positive Deviance in Action How everyday outliers spark lasting community change

The Mehrabian Myth The New Science of Building Great Teams ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Deep-rooted social and health challenges often seem insurmountable in communities worldwide. Positive Deviance (PD), a strategy born from a nutrition project in Vietnam, illuminates the power of outlier practices to combat such issues. Valuing local wisdom and … Continue reading Positive Deviance in Action How everyday outliers spark lasting community change