On Becoming Change Mahatma Gandhi

We must become the change we want to see in the world. Credit: Mahatma Gandhi Posts where this quotation is embedded A Brief History of Knowledge 200,000 years of human history A Knowledge Café in English, French and Russian Knowledge Cafe’s can be run in multiple languages Actor-network Theory (ANT) Actor-Network Theory Adaptive Funding for Innovation Diversifying investments to … Continue reading On Becoming Change Mahatma Gandhi

Driving Environmental Change Individuals and Government Working Together

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   June 1, 2023, 10:51I like the argument made in this article; A better environment does start with you. In it, the author, Marc Davidson, challenges the notion that governments alone are responsible for solving the climate crisis. He argues against the either/or debate of individual responsibility versus government intervention, stating that it leads … Continue reading Driving Environmental Change Individuals and Government Working Together

The Fallacy of Changing Others The power of personal agency for change

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   March 21, 2023, 20:02The question “How do we get those people to change?” constantly arises when pursuing improvement or change. The focus is on how to get management, employees, family, or some “other” group to change their behavior. But this question is fundamentally flawed. When the question is how to change “those people,” … Continue reading The Fallacy of Changing Others The power of personal agency for change

Charting a New Course Dave Snowden's Vector Theory of Change

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   March 23, 2024, 10:29Change is constant and unpredictable in our complex world. Traditional linear approaches to managing change often fail to deliver results, leaving us struggling to adapt. The Vector Theory of Change, developed by Dave Snowden and described in my blook post “Navigating Change in a Complex World,” offers a solution. This … Continue reading Charting a New Course Dave Snowden’s Vector Theory of Change

The Vector of Great Conversations A parallel between the vector theory of change and conversational leadership

Writing with AI Isn’t Necessarily Cheating Protected: My Writing Process ## Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Conversations shape how we understand and adapt to change. When dialogue is restricted by rigid goals or constrained by fixed plans and schedules, creativity, and insight are often lost. By embracing a flexible, direction-focused approach and allowing … Continue reading The Vector of Great Conversations A parallel between the vector theory of change and conversational leadership

The Vector Theory of Change Navigating change in a complex world

Emergence in Complex Systems ** Navigating Complexity with Safe-to-fail Probes Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Traditional change management methods, with their rigid plans and fixed outcomes, often struggle in today’s complex, unpredictable environments. Dave Snowden’s Vector Theory of Change offers a more adaptable solution by focusing on setting a broad direction (vector) rather … Continue reading The Vector Theory of Change Navigating change in a complex world

Introduction: Small Group Conversations Small groups are an essential building block to any future you want to create

Wisdom of Crowds of Crowds What Is the Optimum Group Size for a Conversation? Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Small group conversations are at the heart of Conversational Leadership, but there are several challenges to be overcome if they are to be effective. Small groups | Peter Block These are some of the … Continue reading Introduction: Small Group Conversations Small groups are an essential building block to any future you want to create

Conversations That Drive Change Using Knowledge Cafés for transformation and change

Introduction: Knowledge Café Applications Reading Group Café Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Organizations rely on conversations to navigate change. Too often, these conversations are one-way, with managers pushing decisions instead of engaging people in meaningful dialogue. Knowledge Cafés create space for open discussions, helping teams make sense of change, break down silos, and … Continue reading Conversations That Drive Change Using Knowledge Cafés for transformation and change

Don’t Discourage Dissent Fear, uncertainty and doubt are good things

Listen with the Intent to Understand Don’t Give Advice Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Don’t Discourage Dissent: Many view conflict as bad and try suppressing it, but disagreement is healthy. It is an opportunity to have a meaningful conversation, and we should encourage it. FUD – fear, uncertainty, and doubt. No, not the … Continue reading Don’t Discourage Dissent Fear, uncertainty and doubt are good things