User Profile

10 thoughts on “User Profile”

  1. Serendipitously, reflecting on my own life, a friend located on your website a “quote” he’d been searching for; the “Definition of Responsibility”. From there I discovered your website. I’m grateful. Working with clients who are expanding their practice of leadership. Timing is perfect. Thank you.

  2. Thank you, Jason. Given that ChatGPT has learned a lot about me through our conversations, I thought I would ask it what my mission was, and I believe its reply was pretty close.

    Mission Statement: To ignite intellectual curiosity and inspire personal growth by fostering authentic conversations, nurturing diverse perspectives, and creating spaces for collaborative learning. I aim to challenge conventional beliefs, bridge understanding through dialogue, and empower individuals to build communities grounded in empathy, wisdom, and shared purpose.

  3. Hi David,
    Thank you for accepting me here. I cannot live without your daily quotes, so it is great to be here and continue to learn and grow.
    Cheers with a Beare hug:)

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