Peter Boghossian is an American philosopher and an assistant professor of philosophy at Portland State University. WebsitePeter BoghossianWikipediaPeter BoghossianTwitter@peterboghossianYouTubePeter BoghossianGooglePeter Boghossian Twitter Tweets by Peter Boghossian Posts: Peter BoghossianImpossible Conversations Navigating conversations across ideological dividesBooks: Peter BoghossianHow to Have Impossible Conversations: A Very Practical Guide by Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay (2019)Impossible Conversations Peter Boghossian … Continue reading Peter Boghossian American philosopher
Street Epistemology is a conversational tool that helps people reflect on the quality of their reasons and the reliability of their methods used to derive their confidence level in their deeply-held beliefs. Credit: Anthony Magnabosco Posts where this quotation is embedded Spectrum Street Epistemology Street Epistemology Exploring deeply held beliefs The Socratic Method A powerful tool for critical … Continue reading What Is Street Epistemology? Anthony Magnabosco
Gurteen Knowledge Blog February 26, 2025, 15:14Peter Boghossian has been called a modern-day Socrates for his commitment to questioning deeply held beliefs through respectful dialogue. His Street Epistemology method encourages people to examine their beliefs not through debate but through thoughtful, open-ended conversations that promote intellectual humility and self-reflection. Unlike traditional academics, he takes his work … Continue reading Street Epistemology in Action How Peter Boghossian uses dialogue to challenge beliefs with respect
Speed-conversation Spectrum Street Epistemology Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter We all hold deeply rooted personal beliefs, many of which we have never questioned. Street Epistemology is a conversational technique based on the Socratic method, designed to explore our beliefs and our confidence in them. You can learn more about the method on the … Continue reading Street Epistemology Exploring deeply held beliefs
Street Epistemology Reverse Brainstorming Café Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Spectrum Street Epistemology is a variation of Street Epistemology that encourages people to explore their beliefs along a spectrum rather than as fixed positions. Instead of framing discussions as debates, it invites participants to reflect on how confident they are in their views … Continue reading Spectrum Street Epistemology