Long-term Planning Is Irrelevant, If Not a Hindrance Mee-Yan Cheung-Judge

Long-term planning is irrelevant, if not a hindrance. Strategy should not be about the realisation of prior intent, but rather emphasis on the importance of openness to accident, coincidence and serendipity. Strategy in this case is the emergent resultant. Successful strategies, especially in the long term, do not result from fixing an organisational intention and … Continue reading Long-term Planning Is Irrelevant, If Not a Hindrance Mee-Yan Cheung-Judge

The Advance of Civilization Is Dependent Upon the Opportunity for Accidents to Happen Friedrich Hayek

Humiliating to human pride as it may be, we must recognize that the advance and even the preservation of civilization are dependent upon a maximum of opportunity for accidents to happen. Credit: Friedrich Hayek Source: The Constitution of Liberty (page 81)Posts where this quotation is embedded Building 20 at MIT Innovation Story: A humble wartime lab … Continue reading The Advance of Civilization Is Dependent Upon the Opportunity for Accidents to Happen Friedrich Hayek

The World Talks The world's biggest dialogue experiment

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   May 30, 2023, 14:21I have long been a fan of Randomised Coffee Trials (RCTs) — social experiments where people are randomly matched for coffee meetings to facilitate knowledge sharing and relationship building. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, you can learn more about it in my blook. Typically, RCTs are run within organizations … Continue reading The World Talks The world’s biggest dialogue experiment

Finding Value in the Unexpected The hidden power of serendipity in our lives

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   December 20, 2024, 12:34In a post in my blook, I explore the unexpected yet pivotal role serendipity can play in our lives. Serendipity is about stumbling upon valuable discoveries or connections by chance while pursuing unrelated goals. It’s more than mere luck – it can be influenced and encouraged through specific attitudes and … Continue reading Finding Value in the Unexpected The hidden power of serendipity in our lives

Introduction: Conversational Environments ** Designing places and spaces for good conversations

Walking Conversations ** The Watercooler Effect Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter People are more productive when they’re alone … but they’re more collaborative and innovative when they’re together. Some of the best ideas come from pulling two different ideas together. Credit: Marissa Mayar Physical space has a huge impact on the way that … Continue reading Introduction: Conversational Environments ** Designing places and spaces for good conversations

The Value of Hallway Conversations The magic of the hallway conversation lies in its spontaneity

The Watercooler Effect Walking Conversations ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Office hallways have traditionally been spaces for quick, informal exchanges among colleagues. However, these brief interactions often go underutilized. By embracing the potential of these spontaneous conversations, we can create opportunities for cross-departmental collaboration, inspiration, and problem-solving. Like watercoolers or coffee machines, … Continue reading The Value of Hallway Conversations The magic of the hallway conversation lies in its spontaneity

Randomised Coffee Trials It is just a coffee, but at the same time it is much more

Pitching by Conversation ** Ritual Dissent ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A Randomized Coffee Trial, also known as an RCT, is a social experiment where individuals are randomly matched for coffee meetings, aiming to facilitate serendipitous connections, knowledge sharing, and relationship building in a casual setting. The History The original idea was … Continue reading Randomised Coffee Trials It is just a coffee, but at the same time it is much more

The Power of Serendipity Discover how chance encounters can lead to insights and new opportunities

The Innovation Café Network Introduction: Innovation Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Serendipity is the unexpected discovery of valuable insights and connections. Yet, in our fast-paced world, we often miss these moments, rushing past unplanned opportunities. By embracing curiosity and diverse interactions, we can increase the likelihood of meaningful, chance encounters that lead to … Continue reading The Power of Serendipity Discover how chance encounters can lead to insights and new opportunities