Confronting Our Freedom: Leading a Culture of Chosen Accountability and Belonging by Peter Block, Peter Koestenbaum (2023)

In this book, Confronting Our Freedom, Peter Block and  Peter Koestenbaum deliver an exciting and engaging new take on management and leadership. Drawing on recent events in the market and in the world, including the Great Resignation, the COVID-19 pandemic, and widespread digital transformation, the authors invite you to reimagine ideas of freedom and accountability … Continue reading Confronting Our Freedom: Leading a Culture of Chosen Accountability and Belonging by Peter Block, Peter Koestenbaum (2023)

We All Have the Freedom to Choose If We Choose To The last of human freedoms

Politics Is Life Lashon Hara Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter People often say, “I have no choice,” but that’s rarely true. Even in the most challenging situations, we can choose our attitude, response, and actions. These insights from Viktor Frankl, Stephen Covey, Peter Block, and Peter Koestenbaum remind us of the power and … Continue reading We All Have the Freedom to Choose If We Choose To The last of human freedoms