Peter Boghossian American philosopher

Peter Boghossian is an American philosopher and an assistant professor of philosophy at Portland State University. WebsitePeter BoghossianWikipediaPeter BoghossianTwitter@peterboghossianYouTubePeter BoghossianGooglePeter Boghossian Twitter Tweets by Peter Boghossian Posts: Peter BoghossianImpossible Conversations Navigating conversations across ideological dividesBooks: Peter BoghossianHow to Have Impossible Conversations: A Very Practical Guide by Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay (2019)Impossible Conversations Peter Boghossian … Continue reading Peter Boghossian American philosopher

How to Have Impossible Conversations: A Very Practical Guide by Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay (2019)

In our current political climate, it seems impossible to have a civil conversation with someone who has a different opinion. Dialogue is shut down when perspectives clash. Heated debates on Facebook and Twitter often lead to shaming, hindering any possibility of productive discourse. In this book, How to Have Impossible Conversations, Peter Boghossian and James … Continue reading How to Have Impossible Conversations: A Very Practical Guide by Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay (2019)

The Socratic Method in the Western Tradition Peter Boghossian (2023)

This talk by Peter Boghossian at The Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation explores the applicability and significance of the Socratic method in fostering critical thinking and advancing civilization. Peter begins by highlighting his interest in finding simple, conceptual “bales of hay” to clean up cognitive processes, inspired by a childhood lesson from his father on … Continue reading The Socratic Method in the Western Tradition Peter Boghossian (2023)

Critical Thinking’s Role in Nurturing Curiosity A conversation between Peter Boghossian and Will Reusch

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   July 21, 2024, 21:52In a captivating YouTube conversation, Peter Boghossian and Will Reusch discuss the importance of critical thinking for nurturing curiosity, challenging assumptions, and stimulating intellectual humility. They also discuss various educational techniques, including Socratic questioning and practical experiments, highlighting how these methods encourage openness to new ideas and rational discourse. Reusch, … Continue reading Critical Thinking’s Role in Nurturing Curiosity A conversation between Peter Boghossian and Will Reusch

Perils of Absolute Certainty Peter Boghossian

Few things are more dangerous than people who think they’re in possession of absolute truth. Credit: Peter Boghossian People: Peter BoghossianPeter Boghossian American philosopherPosts: Peter BoghossianImpossible Conversations Navigating conversations across ideological dividesBooks: Peter BoghossianHow to Have Impossible Conversations: A Very Practical Guide by Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay (2019)Impossible Conversations Peter Boghossian (2019)Impossible Conversations Navigating … Continue reading Perils of Absolute Certainty Peter Boghossian

Street Epistemology in Action How Peter Boghossian uses dialogue to challenge beliefs with respect

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   February 26, 2025, 15:14Peter Boghossian has been called a modern-day Socrates for his commitment to questioning deeply held beliefs through respectful dialogue. His Street Epistemology method encourages people to examine their beliefs not through debate but through thoughtful, open-ended conversations that promote intellectual humility and self-reflection. Unlike traditional academics, he takes his work … Continue reading Street Epistemology in Action How Peter Boghossian uses dialogue to challenge beliefs with respect

How Could We Be Wrong? Is a crucial question to ask in a conversation

The Socratic Elenchus The Two Pillars of Truth Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Conversational Leadership emphasizes the importance of intellectual humility and open-mindedness in discussions. Polarization and confirmation bias can stifle productive conversations on complex issues. By asking, “How could you or I be wrong?” we foster self-reflection, critical thinking, and openness to … Continue reading How Could We Be Wrong? Is a crucial question to ask in a conversation

Conclusion: Two Pillars of Truth Critical thinking - a civic duty

The Two Pillars of Truth Introduction: Two Pillars of Truth Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter We need to recognize that the pursuit of truth and the application of rigorous critical thinking are not just intellectual exercises but moral and civic responsibilities. Engaging in open dialogue and thoughtful conversations is crucial in this process, … Continue reading Conclusion: Two Pillars of Truth Critical thinking – a civic duty

Spectrum Street Epistemology

Street Epistemology Reverse Brainstorming Café Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Spectrum Street Epistemology is a variation of Street Epistemology that encourages people to explore their beliefs along a spectrum rather than as fixed positions. Instead of framing discussions as debates, it invites participants to reflect on how confident they are in their views … Continue reading Spectrum Street Epistemology

Impossible Conversations Navigating conversations across ideological divides

Difficult Conversations Introduction: Conversational Leadership Skills Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter An impossible conversation may feel futile as it occurs between individuals who possess radically different ideas, beliefs, morals, politics, or worldviews. Such conversations are likely to lead to arguments and even physical altercations. So, how can we engage in impossible conversations? To … Continue reading Impossible Conversations Navigating conversations across ideological divides