Encouraging a Leader in Every Chair Amy Edmondson

People sit in a circle, with the intention of de-emphasizing hierarchies and instead encouraging what’s called “a leader in every chair”. To create the mindfulness and focus conducive to an environment where everyone collaborates and contributes, meetings begin with a minute of silence. Credit: Amy Edmondson Comment: Leadership isn’t just about titles—it’s about presence, participation, and … Continue reading Encouraging a Leader in Every Chair Amy Edmondson

Megan Reitz Facilitator, teacher, speaker, executive coach, researcher and author

Megan Reitz is a Professor of Leadership and Dialogue at Ashridge where she speaks, researches, consults and supervises on the intersection of leadership, change, dialogue and mindfulness. WebsiteMegan ReitzLinkedinMegan ReitzBlogMegan ReitzRSS FeedMegan ReitzTwitter@meganreitz1YouTubeMegan ReitzGoogleMegan Reitz Twitter Tweets by Megan Reitz RSS FeedBooks: Megan ReitzBeing Silenced and Silencing Others: Developing the Capacity to Speak Truth to … Continue reading Megan Reitz Facilitator, teacher, speaker, executive coach, researcher and author

Karl Weick Organizational theorist

Karl Weick is an organizational theorist who introduced the concepts of “loose coupling”, “mindfulness”, and “sensemaking” into organizational studies. He is the Rensis Likert Distinguished University Professor at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan.   WikipediaKarl WeickLinkedinKarl WeickYouTubeKarl WeickGoogleKarl WeickBooks: Karl WeickKarl Weick Organizational theoristTags: Karl Weick (1) | mindfulness (6) … Continue reading Karl Weick Organizational theorist

Empathy Understanding and share the feelings of others

Conversational Awareness Cultural Competence ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A lack of empathy can lead to difficulties building relationships, communication problems, reduced collaboration, and increased conflict and aggression. It also makes it challenging to understand and relate to the emotions, feelings, and perspectives of others. Empathy is an essential Conversational Leadership skill. … Continue reading Empathy Understanding and share the feelings of others

Speak with Less Conviction Speaking with conviction inhibits learning

Take Responsibility for the Conversation ** Disagree Constructively Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Speak with less conviction: Persuading others is not easy. It is generally believed that we convince others by speaking with conviction. Is this effective? No, it isn’t. We shouldn’t talk with too much conviction if we want to persuade people. … Continue reading Speak with Less Conviction Speaking with conviction inhibits learning