Jordan B Peterson Clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology

Jordan Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. video playerUniversity of Toronto Free Speech Debate | Jordan Peterson WebsiteJordan B PetersonWikipediaJordan B PetersonRSS FeedJordan B PetersonTwitter@jordanbpetersonYouTubeJordan B PetersonGoogleJordan B Peterson Twitter Tweets by Jordan B Peterson RSS FeedPosts: Jordan B PetersonFreedom of Speech Freedom of speech … Continue reading Jordan B Peterson Clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology

Peter Boghossian American philosopher

Peter Boghossian is an American philosopher and an assistant professor of philosophy at Portland State University. WebsitePeter BoghossianWikipediaPeter BoghossianTwitter@peterboghossianYouTubePeter BoghossianGooglePeter Boghossian Twitter Tweets by Peter Boghossian Posts: Peter BoghossianImpossible Conversations Navigating conversations across ideological dividesBooks: Peter BoghossianHow to Have Impossible Conversations: A Very Practical Guide by Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay (2019)Impossible Conversations Peter Boghossian … Continue reading Peter Boghossian American philosopher

Freedom of Speech in Universities It's our duty to tolerate colleagues even when they say things that we consider foolish

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   January 13, 2021, 11:37Over the past few years, much has been reported in the press about so-called cancel culture and deplatforming where activists deny speakers with controversial opinions access to University venues. In 2019 Cambridge University rescinded its offer of a visiting fellowship to Jordan Peterson, who has attracted controversy for his views … Continue reading Freedom of Speech in Universities It’s our duty to tolerate colleagues even when they say things that we consider foolish

Talking Rubbish It is through taking rubbish we make sense of the world

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   January 3, 2021, 16:20At times, “talking rubbish” can be a good thing. Let me explain. Too often in a conversation, while trying to make sense of an issue, we find ourselves saying something that we immediately realize is ill-conceived. Our conversational partner picks up on it a little more quickly than we do … Continue reading Talking Rubbish It is through taking rubbish we make sense of the world

Proposed Free Speech Law to Fight Deplatforming in Universities Unnecessary bureaucracy?

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   February 16, 2021, 14:11I wrote about the need for freedom of speech in Universities recently, but I am not sure making it a legal requirement is such a good idea. The UK government is to introduce legislation that will enable academics, students or visiting speakers who are no-platformed to sue universities for compensation … Continue reading Proposed Free Speech Law to Fight Deplatforming in Universities Unnecessary bureaucracy?

The 2022 Reith Lectures: the Four Freedoms BBC

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   December 21, 2022, 16:58Over Christmas, I listened to and was intrigued by the annual Reith Lectures. The Reith Lectures were inaugurated in 1948 by the BBC to mark the contribution made to public service broadcasting by Lord Reith, the corporation’s first director-general. Four speakers featured in this year’s Reith Lectures: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, … Continue reading The 2022 Reith Lectures: the Four Freedoms BBC

Free Speech Christopher Hitchens, 2006

Posts where this video is embedded Freedom of Speech Freedom of speech is not just another value Socrates on Democracy Socrates had a nuanced view of democracyBooks: Christopher HitchensChristopher Hitchens’s Razor No not what he shaved withFree Speech Christopher Hitchens, 2006God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything Christopher Hitchens (2007)Risk of Independent Thought Christopher HitchensQuotations: Christopher … Continue reading Free Speech Christopher Hitchens, 2006

Socrates on Democracy Socrates had a nuanced view of democracy

Evolution of Democracy ** Modern Democracy ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Democracy’s theoretical ideals clash with citizens’ limited expertise; the loudest voices often prevail over the wisest. Socrates proposed a balanced approach – civic education to cultivate wisdom alongside expert policy guidance to strengthen democratic governance. Socrates was one of the most … Continue reading Socrates on Democracy Socrates had a nuanced view of democracy

Tolerance Is A Social Contract, Not a Moral Absolute The paradox of tolerance

Freedom of Speech Democracy’s Spectrum ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Tolerance enables peaceful coexistence among diverse populations. However, viewing tolerance as an unconditional moral imperative can be problematic. To maintain a stable society, we must recognize that tolerance has limits and requires mutual respect and adherence to social contracts. Tolerance involves recognizing … Continue reading Tolerance Is A Social Contract, Not a Moral Absolute The paradox of tolerance

Converse in Good Faith Be sincere, fair, open, and honest, regardless of the outcome

Ask Questions ** Say So, If You Don’t Have an Opinion Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Converse in good faith: Converse with the intent to be sincere, fair, open, and honest, regardless of the outcome of the interaction.  Converse in good faith In human interactions, good faith is the intent to be sincere, … Continue reading Converse in Good Faith Be sincere, fair, open, and honest, regardless of the outcome

Show Respect Failing to respect one another negatively impacts the future for all of us

Reduce Emailing and Texting ** Tell the Truth Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Show respect: We often show disrespect for people with whom we disagree. This is damaging to the relationship and society. However, we do not need to respect someone or their ideas to show them respect. The Problem When people disagree … Continue reading Show Respect Failing to respect one another negatively impacts the future for all of us