Gurteen Knowledge Blog September 4, 2022, 10:35I am working on a post on so-called steelmanning for my blook. You may be familiar with the concept of a strawman argument, often referred to as a straw man. In such arguments, we are more concerned with winning the fight than getting at the truth, and we construct a … Continue reading Construct Steel Arguments Not Straw Ones We need to learn to argue more effectively
Our society is dangerously polarised. We don’t listen to each other. Too many of us are separating into ideological tribes. This has to stop. The future of our democracy depends on it. This is what the Munk Debates is all about. Opening minds to different points of view. Challenging groupthink. Debating controversial issues with rigour … Continue reading Our Society Is Dangerously Polarised Munk Debates
Gurteen Knowledge Blog October 22, 2023, 10:20I recently read an interesting article about why Plato thought debates can often be stupid and dangerous. The article argues that debate is more like a sport, with winners and losers than a sincere pursuit of truth. Debaters often use tricks like false dilemmas, personal attacks, and misdirection to “win” … Continue reading Plato’s Warning How debates can subvert truth
Unfortunately we are so steeped in debate, proving one’s point and challenging others, that alternative possibilities for interaction are often eclipsed from our view. It is interesting to notice that even when we say we want to dialogue we commonly end up in debate. We appear to have a longing to do something different but … Continue reading We Are So Steeped in Debate Theodore Zeldin
Gurteen Knowledge Blog May 3, 2021, 11:37I used to have a good friend. We could talk about absolutely anything and had some incredible conversations. He died a few years ago, and I greatly miss him. What I liked about him, but at the same time, what annoyed me was that he was a contrarian. Whenever I … Continue reading The Value of a Contrarian Thinker They help you question your beliefs
We don’t have a good word for engaging in a non-hostile disagreement with the shared aim of moving the participants towards a new understanding, better decision or new idea. Debate implies a competition with winners and losers. Argument comes tinged with animosity. Dialogue is too bland. Dialectic is too obscure. We talk about argument as … Continue reading We Don’t Have a Good Word for Engaging in a Non-hostile Disagreement Ian Leslie
Gurteen Knowledge Blog July 22, 2022, 14:36You may enjoy these three talks by Rory Stewart from the BBC Radio 4 Seriously series of audio documentaries and podcasts. In the talks, Rory looks at the history of argument and explores its importance and the fact that it is the foundation of our democracies and how we make … Continue reading The Long History of Argument A series of talks by Rory Stewart
Gurteen Knowledge Blog October 2, 2022, 18:41I recently discovered Munk Debates and the Munk Debate website. They have some excellent debates, and I love their mission. Interestingly, they also have Munk Dialogues though I find them a little disappointing as they are not dialogues (conversations between equals) but soft interviews – in other words, the interviewer … Continue reading Munk Debates and Dialogues Excellent debates and dialogues
AustraliaAustriaBrazilCanadaChinaCzech RepublicEgyptFranceGermanyGlobalIndiaItalyJapanMexicoNetherlandsPolandSaudia ArabiaSingaporeSpainTurkeyUAEUnited KingdomUnited States As an Amazon Associate, I earn a small commission when you purchase a book via this site. Posts where this book is embedded Al Jazeera Cafe An interesting experiment not to deabate but engage in a global conversation Artificial Intelligence ** The ability of machines to perform tasks usually associated … Continue reading From Debate to Dialogue: Using the Understanding Process to Transform Our Conversations by Deborah L. Flick (1998)
Introduction: Discourse and Narrative ** Stories and Narratives Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Discourse profoundly shapes our perceptions and interactions. Exploring different forms of oral discourse—such as debates, interviews, and conversations—reveals how we convey ideas and navigate conflicts. Examining these genres gives us a richer understanding of the subtleties and complexities that characterize … Continue reading Oral Public Discourse Verbal expression aimed at a public audience
What Is a Real Conversation? The Value of Conversation ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Numerous words or phrases describe the varied forms of conversation and speech. This page lists some of the more common ones in alphabetic order. Posts that link to this post The Language of Conversation and Speech Digging into their … Continue reading The Language of Conversation and Speech Meanings of words describing conversation and speech
Levels of Conversation ** Conversation Is a Dance ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Debate Dialogue Assumes there is a right answer and you have it. Assumes many people have pieces of the answer and that together they can craft a solution. Combative: participants attempt to prove the other side wrong. Collaborative: participants … Continue reading Dialogue Vs Debate ** Exploring together vs winning
Conversation Is More Than Communication The Jazz of Conversations Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter We often say we need to debate something – especially in the political world – when what we really need is a dialogue. But what is the difference between dialogue and debate? Dialogue is collaborative: two or more sides … Continue reading The Difference Between Dialogue and Debate ** In dialogue, finding common ground is the goal while in debate, winning is the goal
Conversation Covenant Brown-bag Lunches ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter What is brainstorming? Brainstorming is a popular ideation technique for generating new ideas. The basic premise is to get a group together and have them share their ideas freely, without judgment. The goal is to generate as many ideas as possible, regardless of … Continue reading Brainstorming A group discussion to produce a list of ideas or solutions to a problem.
Eat with Others Ask Questions ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Construct steel positions: We often employ a straw position to help win a disagreement when we should use a steel one. Straw Positions You may be familiar with the concept of a strawman position, often referred to as a straw man. To … Continue reading Construct Steel Positions Not Straw Ones We need to learn to argue more effectively to get at the truth
Knowledge Café Principle: Engage in Small Groups Introduction: Knowledge Café Principles Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Principle: Dialogue, not debate. Knowledge Café conversations are about making sense of a situation, sharing information, better understanding each other, and building relationships — in other words, they are about dialogue — not debate. This is not … Continue reading Knowledge Café Principle: Dialogue Not Debate Be prepared to emerge a slightly different person
Conversare Events The Dérive Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Debates are an essential part of communication, allowing for the exchange of differing viewpoints. However, understanding their various forms and purposes can be challenging. By exploring the structure and significance of debates, we can better appreciate their role in public discourse and critical thinking. … Continue reading Understanding Debates Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it
Thinking Together Let’s Have More Interesting Conversations Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Conversation in business is frequently seen as soft and wooly. Is it? I’m afraid the senior managers in my organisation have got no interest in conversation. They see it as far too soft. How many times have I heard that comment … Continue reading Hard Conversation Conversation is anything but soft and wooly
The Dérive Dialogic Organization Development Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The meaning of dialogue The word dialogue has several meanings depending on the context in which it is used. If you look up the word in most dictionaries, you will find definitions like this. A conversation between two or more persons. e.g. A … Continue reading Dialogue Dialogue is a disciplined form of conversation
Espresso Café Ritual Dissent Café ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A Knowledge Café usually begins with a short talk and a question, but there are other ways to set the context. A Café Debate introduces opposing views on a motion, creating a dynamic starting point. The real value comes from the conversations … Continue reading Knowledge Café Debate Debate sharpens up the important aspects of the issue under discussion
Speak with Less Conviction Reduce Emailing and Texting ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Disagree constructively: Disagreement is an inevitable part of life. Most of the time, we do it poorly. We need to learn to disagree constructively. How do we go about it? A simple disagreement hierarchy provides guidance. Disagreement is an … Continue reading Disagree Constructively How to disagree well
Oracy What Is the Difference Between Rhetoric and Oracy? Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Rhetoric is often construed as insincere or meaningless language that sounds clever. This is an unduly negative perspective. Rhetoric is a critical cognitive and communication skill. Introduction Simply put, the purpose of rhetoric is to influence people through speech … Continue reading Rhetoric To influence people through speech or writing
Rhetoric Introduction: the Power of Conversation Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter On the face of it, rhetoric and oracy would seem the same, but although they have much in common, they have some significant differences. What is the difference between rhetoric and oracy? At first thought, the two ideas may seem the same … Continue reading What Is the Difference Between Rhetoric and Oracy? Rhetoric is monologue, oracy is dialogue