Ted Cadsby Author and researcher, writer and speaker on complexity and decision-making.

Ted Cadsby is an author and researcher, writer and speaker on complexity and decision-making. I don’t know Ted and although he does not use the term Conversational Leadership, he does get close when he talks about Complex Leadership. He is one of a handful of people who are writing and talking about the power of … Continue reading Ted Cadsby Author and researcher, writer and speaker on complexity and decision-making.

What Is Complex Leadership? Ted Cadsby

What is complex leadership? It starts by understanding the strengths and vulnerabilities of group dialogue. It uses this knowledge to leverage cognitive diversity within a group. Credit: Ted Cadsby Posts where this quotation is embedded Open, Adaptive Strategy Make employees partners in the strategy process The Role of the Knowledge Café in Open/adaptive Strategy An ideal tool … Continue reading What Is Complex Leadership? Ted Cadsby

How Can Groups Make Good Decisions? Mariano Sigman and Dan Ariely (2017)

video player How can groups make good decisions? | Mariano Sigman and Dan Ariely Mariano closes this talk with the . You can read the transcript below. Partial Transcript Good collective decisions require two components: deliberation and diversity of opinions. Right now, the way we typically make our voice heard in many societies is through … Continue reading How Can Groups Make Good Decisions? Mariano Sigman and Dan Ariely (2017)

Rebel Ideas: the Power of Diverse Thinking Matthew Syed (2019)

In this book, Rebel Ideas, Matthew Syed examines the power of cognitive diversity — the ability to think differently about the world around us. He explains how to harness our unique perspectives, pool our collective intelligence, and tackle the greatest challenges of our age — from climate change to terrorism.   AustraliaAustriaBrazilCanadaChinaCzech RepublicEgyptFranceGermanyGlobalIndiaItalyJapanMexicoNetherlandsPolandSaudia ArabiaSingaporeSpainTurkeyUAEUnited KingdomUnited … Continue reading Rebel Ideas: the Power of Diverse Thinking Matthew Syed (2019)

Matthew Syed Journalist, author and broadcaster

Matthew Syed is a journalist, author, and broadcaster. Pursuing Cognitive Diversity | Matthew Syed WebsiteMatthew SyedWikipediaMatthew SyedTwitter@matthewsyedYouTubeMatthew SyedGoogleMatthew Syed Twitter Tweets by Matthew Syed Books: Matthew SyedMatthew Syed Journalist, author and broadcasterRebel Ideas: the Power of Diverse Thinking Matthew Syed (2019)Trust Is an Essential Ingredient of Belief Formation Matthew Syed Quotations: Matthew SyedTrust Is an … Continue reading Matthew Syed Journalist, author and broadcaster

Cognitive Diversity Seeing and processing the world differently

Verbal Judo ** Contra-conversations ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter When thinking about organizations or teams, we most commonly think about diversity in terms of gender, race, or age. But there is another form of diversity that is often overlooked – cognitive diversity. Cognitive diversity is where a team or organizational members have … Continue reading Cognitive Diversity Seeing and processing the world differently

Benjamin Franklin’s Junto Club Benjamin Franklin founded the Junto Club - a conversational society in 1727

Viennese Coffeehouses ** Stammtisch Tables Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Benjamin Franklin recognized the value of conversation and the importance of cognitive diversity in convening innovative conversations when he founded the Junto Club almost 300 years ago. In 1727, at the age of 21, Benjamin Franklin, who went on to become one of … Continue reading Benjamin Franklin’s Junto Club Benjamin Franklin founded the Junto Club – a conversational society in 1727

Wisdom of Crowds of Crowds Crowds within a crowd outperform 'wisdom of the crowd'

Psychological Safety ** Introduction: Small Group Conversations Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The wisdom of crowds is the concept that large groups of people are collectively smarter than individuals regarding problem-solving, decision-making, and predicting. However, the method can be improved with the wisdom of crowds of crowds. In the concept of the wisdom … Continue reading Wisdom of Crowds of Crowds Crowds within a crowd outperform ‘wisdom of the crowd’