We are all problem solvers, action oriented and results minded. It is illegal in this culture to leave a meeting without a to-do list. We want measurable outcomes and we want them now. What is hard to grasp is that it is this very mindset which prevents anything fundamental from changing. We cannot problem solve … Continue reading Transformation Is About a Shift in Language and Conversation Peter Block
Knowledge is the capacity for effective action. There is no capacity for effective action in a database. Credit: Peter Senge Comment: This quote from Peter Senge draws a distinction between mere information or data (a “database”) and true knowledge, which he defines as “the capacity for effective action.” It suggests that simply accumulating facts and … Continue reading There Is No Capacity for Effective Action in a Database Peter Senge
Knowledge is the capacity for effective action. There is no capacity for effective action in a database. Credit: Peter Senge Tweet This Posts where this quotation is embedded A Knowledge Café Is a Gathering It is not a meeting Actor-network Theory (ANT) Actor-Network Theory Analyze Logical Fallacies Use the chatbot to analyze logical fallacies Are There Any Questions? Q&A … Continue reading Knowledge Is the Capacity for Effective Action Peter Senge
The question is, what qualifies as action? Traditionally , we want a strategy, and a list of next steps and milestones , and the knowledge of who will be responsible for them in order to be satisfied that we have spent our time well when we are together. Any change in the world will, in … Continue reading The Question Is, What Qualifies as Action? Peter Block
Nothing has given me more hope recently than to observe how simple conversations give birth to actions that can change lives and restore our faith in the future. There is no more powerful way to initiate significant social change than to start a conversation. When a group of people discover that they share a common … Continue reading Simple Conversations Give Birth to Actions Meg Wheatley
Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. Credit: Howard Thurman Comment: The most impactful conversations happen when we are fully engaged, bringing our authentic passion into dialogue and action—this is at the heart of Conversational … Continue reading The World Needs Is People Who Have Come Alive Howard Thurman
Gurteen Knowledge Blog March 10, 2022, 17:56I am often asked how to turn conversation into action, but conversation is action. Conversation does not directly change the physical world. Conversation, however, changes the wiring of our brains. It changes what we think about, and it shapes how we think. Conversation creates the conditions in which actions and … Continue reading Conversation Is Action Stop doing things — sit down and have a conversation
Listening is not a passive act, it is a very powerful action. Credit: Nancy Kline Posts where this quotation is embedded A Knowledge Café Is a Gathering It is not a meeting Actor-network Theory (ANT) Actor-Network Theory Analyze Logical Fallacies Use the chatbot to analyze logical fallacies Are There Any Questions? Q&A is not interaction Artificial and Natural Intelligence Exploring … Continue reading Listening Is Not a Passive Act, It Is a Very Powerful Action Nancy Kline
The Relationship Between Consciousness and Intelligence ** Mirror Neurons Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Cognition is a complex process that involves not just our brain but also our physical body, environment, and actions. This is the idea behind 4E cognition, which encompasses the four factors that shape cognition: embodiment, embeddedness, extension, and enaction. … Continue reading Beyond the Brain The multidimensional nature of cognition
Knowledge Only Exists in the Mind Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Agency is our ability to make intentional choices and act independently, shaping our lives and identities. The challenge is transitioning from acquiring knowledge to actively using it in the real world. We need to embrace the dynamic … Continue reading From Knowledge to Agency Developing agency in a changing world – cultivating the capacity to act