Powerful Questions Evoke a Choice for Accountability and Commitment Peter Block

Powerful questions are those that, in the answering, evoke a choice for accountability and commitment. Credit: Peter Block Posts where this quotation is embedded Conversation Sharpens the Saw It is not a waste of time Don’t Discourage Dissent Fear, uncertainty and doubt are good things Exploring the Multifaceted Roles of Trust in Relationships and Society Without trust our … Continue reading Powerful Questions Evoke a Choice for Accountability and Commitment Peter Block

Confronting Our Freedom: Leading a Culture of Chosen Accountability and Belonging by Peter Block, Peter Koestenbaum (2023)

In this book, Confronting Our Freedom, Peter Block and  Peter Koestenbaum deliver an exciting and engaging new take on management and leadership. Drawing on recent events in the market and in the world, including the Great Resignation, the COVID-19 pandemic, and widespread digital transformation, the authors invite you to reimagine ideas of freedom and accountability … Continue reading Confronting Our Freedom: Leading a Culture of Chosen Accountability and Belonging by Peter Block, Peter Koestenbaum (2023)

I. Take Responsibility We need to take responsibility for the changes we wish to see in the world

Introduction: Principles of Conversational Leadership II. Embrace Complexity Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Take responsibility: In life, we can choose to take responsibility in several ways. Most critically, we can choose to take ownership of the changes we wish to see in the world. Introduction Taking responsibility is a crucial aspect of personal … Continue reading I. Take Responsibility We need to take responsibility for the changes we wish to see in the world

What Commitment Really Means We are committed when we decide to do something without any expectation of return

Introduction: Motivation and Engagement ** Motivation ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Commitment shapes our decisions and actions, but not all commitments are the same. Without true commitment, hesitation and uncertainty hold us back. The moment we fully commit—without conditions or expectations—momentum builds, and unexpected support emerges. Bold action unlocks possibilities we never … Continue reading What Commitment Really Means We are committed when we decide to do something without any expectation of return

Owning Our Mistakes ** Learning how admitting we’re wrong strengthens relationships and personal growth

Carpe Diem – Seize the Day Speak Up Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Admit when you are wrong: We find it difficult to admit when we are wrong. Our relationships and personal development are negatively affected by this. What can we do to improve our ability to admit we’re wrong? Admitting When We … Continue reading Owning Our Mistakes ** Learning how admitting we’re wrong strengthens relationships and personal growth

Exploring the Multifaceted Roles of Trust in Relationships and Society Without trust our civilization would collapse

Reframing Questions Raising the Ships on the Sea Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Trust is the force that holds our society together. It is the glue that connects us, builds communities, and is one of the foundations on which society depends. It is vital for society to function. Our civilization would collapse totally … Continue reading Exploring the Multifaceted Roles of Trust in Relationships and Society Without trust our civilization would collapse

The Difference Between Responsibility and Accountability We take responsibility but are held accountable

Punished by Rewards We Need to Stop Trying to Do Things to Each Other Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter We use the words responsibility and accountability loosely in everyday language, but what’s the difference? We take responsibility but are held accountable. We can not make someone responsible for something; we can only hold them accountable. … Continue reading The Difference Between Responsibility and Accountability We take responsibility but are held accountable

Knowledge Café Outcomes The outcomes are what you take away in your head

Knowledge Café History Knowledge Café Applications Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The outcomes of a Knowledge Café are not tangible outcomes such as decisions, plans, or consensus. The outcomes are what the participants take away in their heads.  In its unadapted form, the Knowledge Café is not about traditional tangible outcomes. It is … Continue reading Knowledge Café Outcomes The outcomes are what you take away in your head