Comment: The quote underscores that every meaningful change starts with a conversation. It highlights that when people unite over common challenges, they activate a dynamic force—a concept central to Conversational Leadership.Nothing has given me more hope recently than to observe how simple conversations give birth to actions that can change lives and restore our faith in the future.
There is no more powerful way to initiate significant social change than to start a conversation.
When a group of people discover that they share a common concern, that’s when the process of change begins.
Credit: Meg Wheatley
People: Meg Wheatley
Books: Meg Wheatley
Quotations: Meg Wheatley
- Ask What’s Possible, Not What’s Wrong Meg Wheatley
- Be Brave Enough to Start a Conversation That Matters Meg Wheatley
- Change Starts From Small Conversations Meg Wheatley
- Conversation Is the Way That Humans Have Always Thought Together Meg Wheatley
- I Believe We Can Change the World If We Start Listening to One Another Again Meg Wheatley
- It Is Time to Stop Waiting for Someone to Save Us Meg Wheatley
- It’s Not Differences That Divide Us Meg Wheatley
- Like Any Living System, Every Organization Co-evolves Meg Wheatley and Myron Kellner-Rogers
- Relationships Are All There Is Meg Wheatley
- Simple Conversations Give Birth to Actions Meg Wheatley
- The World Doesn’t Change One Person at a Time Meg Wheatley
Tags: action (11) | conversation (187) | Meg Wheatley (15)
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The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a free monthly newsletter with over 20,000 subscribers that I have been publishing by email for over 20 years.
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