Nurture community: We need to nurture community. An organization is a community of human beings and not a collection of human resources or human capital. A real community is one where its members care about their work and care deeply about each other.
The new kind of business hero must learn to operate without the might of the hierarchy behind them.
The crutch of authority must be thrown away and replaced by their own ability to make relationships, use influence and work with others to achieve results.
Democracy is a tough way to live. With all its flaws, I think it beats the alternatives.
I do not wish to have someone else, no matter how educated, well-intentioned, wealthy, or wise, decide unilaterally what is best for me.
Unless we are deeply involved in our work, we cannot feel good about ourselves.
Unless we work with others toward valued goals, we cannot infuse hope and aspiration into our lives.
Unless we treat one another as equals, we cannot find dignity, meaning, and community in work.
Unless we make our own mistakes and learn to forgive ourselves, we cannot learn at all.
Unless we cooperate we cannot survive.
Principles of Conversational Leadership
- I. Take Responsibility We need to take responsibility for the changes we wish to see in the world
- II. Embrace Complexity We need to understand complexity & its implications
- III. Practice Leadership We need to practice leadership
- IV. Leverage the Power of Conversation We need to improve our conversational skills
- V. Nurture Community We need to care more about each other
Tags: caring (28) | community (47) | communityship (20) | human capital (3) | human resources (3) | leadership (72)
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Photo Credits: Patrick Tomasso (CC0 1.0)
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