Connect more: Connect with people more broadly and more deeply. We are becoming more connected with each other and less connected with each other at the same time.
The Paradox
We are becoming more connected with each other and less connected with each other at the same time.
We have the ability to connect with more and more people around the world, but our emotions are undermining our ability to make deeper and more fulfilling connections that can help all of us to achieve more of our potential.
There’s a vicious cycle underway that continues to erode our ability to make connections that matter – the more fear we feel, the less likely we are to trust others and that leads to a growing sense of isolation which in turn feeds the fear, leading to even less trust and the cycle continues.
While this emotion is understandable, it’s preventing us from harnessing the potential that’s created by the ability to connect with others more broadly and more deeply.
We need to embrace opportunity-based narratives and the passion of the explorer to turn this around and, for the first time, discover the enormous power that comes from broader and deeper connections.
Credit: The Paradox of Connection by John Hagel
Connecting more is a habit that requires no training, no resources, or consent.
It’s easy – we can start to connect more at any time.
Whatsmore, we needn’t tell people that we are doing anything different.
We just need to commit to ourselves to connect more.
Here are a few suggestions though I am sure you can think of many more of your own that suit your situation and personality.
- Identify the people with whom it makes good sense to build relationships. Both inside and outside the organization. Both operationally and strategically. Find ways to connect with these people.
- Say hello to strangers. Sit next to people you don’t know in meetings and at conferences.
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Thursday 27th February 2025, 15:00 to 19:00 London time (GMT)
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