I run regular public Knowledge Cafés on various aspects of Conversational Leadership and also run them privately. If you are interested in me facilitating a Café for your organization, society, club, or network, read on.
Since 2014, I have dedicated myself to developing and spreading the concept of Conversational Leadership. A large part of this work has involved writing my blook on the subject, as well as using my blog, knowledge letter, quote of the day, and social media presence to share my ideas and connect with others.
In addition, I have hosted many public Knowledge Cafés and workshops focused on Conversational Leadership over the years, including both open and private events. If you are interested in me facilitating a private Knowledge Café for your organization, club, or network centered around an aspect of Conversational Leadership, please see the list below for potential themes.
These interactive Cafés can be held in person or virtually over Zoom or Teams. Typically, I begin by introducing the theme, posing a question to spark discussion, and then dividing participants into small groups for multiple rounds of conversation, followed by a full group dialogue. However, I’m happy to adapt the format to suit your needs—even running it as a more traditional webinar. The goal is to make the experience as conversational and participatory as possible.
I’m happy to discuss further the benefits of Conversational Leadership and how it can help your organization. Feel free to reach out with any questions. I’m available to explain more in-depth how I can customize this approach to suit your needs.

If you enjoy my work and find it valuable, please consider giving me a little support. Your donation will help cover some of my website hosting expenses.
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