In this book, Conversation: How talk can change our lives, Theodore Zeldin explains what kind of talk charmed and excited people in the past, and why we talk differently today.
It explores the art and the history of conversation and how it can be the key to a happier, more interesting future.
It shows how women have changed the ways lovers speak, how families avoid silence or boredom, how your work can damage or improve the way you converse, and what role there is for the tongue-tied and shy.
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- A Brief History of Knowledge 200,000 years of human history
- A Conversation Dinner in Turin Knowledge menu à la carte
- A Knowledge Café at Viva What are the future possibilities for the Kuwaiti Mobile Telecoms Industry?
- A Knowledge Café in English, French and Russian Knowledge Cafe's can be run in multiple languages
- A Knowledge Café Is a Gathering It is not a meeting
- Actor-network Theory (ANT) Actor-Network Theory
- Al Jazeera Cafe An interesting experiment not to deabate but engage in a global conversation
- Analyze Logical Fallacies Use the chatbot to analyze logical fallacies
- Anecdote Circles A narrative technique to guide participants in sharing stories
- Are There Any Questions? Q&A is not interaction
- Artificial and Natural Intelligence Exploring the essential difference between natural and artificial forms of intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence ** The ability of machines to perform tasks usually associated with human intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence and the Quest for Knowledge Exploring the parallels between Plato's Phaedrus and the challenges of GenAI
- Ask Questions ** Be curious - ask more questions
- Attitudes A tendency to think, or feel about someone or something in a certain way
- Avoid Anonymity Anonymity kills the conversation
- Avoiding Modern-day Colonialism Colonialism: the dominance, control, and exploitation by one group over another
- Bake Conversation Into All That We Do ** There are so many ways to leverage conversation
- Banter with Care Banter: the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks
- Be Open and Transparent ** Key traits of knowledge workers
- Become a Conversation Architect A conversation architect designs and convenes conversations
- Belief Systems Our beliefs are not isolated pieces of data that we can take and discard at will
- Benjamin Franklin’s Junto Club Benjamin Franklin founded the Junto Club - a conversational society in 1727
- Betrayed by Our Laughter Our sense of humor is something we find hard to fake or suppress
- Beyond the Brain The multidimensional nature of cognition
- Blog Posts About the Gurteen Knowledge Café A selection of Knowledge Café blog posts, articles and papers
- Brainstorming A group discussion to produce a list of ideas or solutions to a problem.
- British Gentlemen’s Clubs ** Of the 17th and 18th Centuries
- Building 20 at MIT Innovation Story: A humble wartime lab that sparked a legacy of innovation and collaboration
- C-group Develop your interpersonal and conversational skills
- Café Style Meetings Hold conversations, not meetings
- Caring We naturally take responsibility for the people and the things that we care about
- Changing Minds Through Conversation The role of conversation in Derek Black’s transformation
- Changing People ** The challenge of trying to change people
- Chatbots and Genai in Knowledge Management Chatbots are more than just question/answer machines
- Chatbots as Critical Thinking Partners Stimulating critical thinking is one of the most powerful application of chatbots
- Chatbots to Analyze Conversations and Presentations Analysis of transcripts
- Cicero’s Sermo ** Conversari
- Circles of Engagement ** Aligning efforts with impact
- Cognitive Surplus Untapping our human potential
- Collective Sense-making The Knowledge Café is a powerful collective sense-making tool
- Collective Sense-making Café ** Only a community of minds can show us the truth
- Community of Innovation ** A form of community of practice that is dedicated to the support of innovation.
- Complex Adaptive Systems Vs. Complex Responsive Processes ** Complexity
- Complex Is Not the Same as Complicated We tend to use "complex" to describe things that are actually just complicated or challenging.
- Complex Responsive Processes Ongoing patterns of interaction between people
- Complex Systems ** Many parts interacting with each other in multiple ways
- Conclusion: Two Pillars of Truth Critical thinking - a civic duty
- Conference Breakfasts and Dinners A great opportunity to network and build relationships
- Congruence, Coherence, and Contingent Truth Building a framework for understanding
- Connect More Connect more broadly, more deeply
- Connect People Purposefully connect people with each other
- Connecting Minds Connecting and synchronising minds
- Connection Before Content Without relatedness, no work can occur
- Contra-conversations **
- Conversare Events Social gatherings which people engage in one-to-one conversation with a stranger
- Conversation Covenant Creating a psychologically safer space for difficult conversations
- Conversation in Ancient Greek Society ** Socrates, Plato and Aristotle
- Conversation in Ancient Roman Society ** ...
- Conversation in Hong Kong A Knowledge Café with eight speakers
- Conversation Is a Dance ** Conversation and dance are both improvisational
- Conversation Is More Than Communication Conversation shapes our lives
- Conversation Is Not a Panacea for All Our Problems ** But it goes a long way
- Conversation Sharpens the Saw It is not a waste of time
- Conversation Theory ** Gordon Pask
- Conversation Through the Lens of the Johari Window Understanding ourselves and others through conversation
- Conversational Awareness The skill of being able to pay attention to various elements of a conversation
- Conversational Capacities Prerequisites to a good conversation
- Conversational Chemistry The role of chemical messengers in communication
- Conversational Conferences In a conversational conference, the dominant style of presentation is the conversational talk
- Conversational Continuous Self-improvement ** Making ongoing incremental improvements to our conversations
- Conversational Leadership Framework ** A framework to help understand the concept
- Conversational Leadership Mindset Developing a Conversational Leadership mindset
- Conversational Post-project Reviews **
- Conversational Self-awareness Being aware of our own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors during a conversation
- Conversational Talks How to give a conversational talk or presentation
- Conversations Are Complex Responsive Processes Conversations are dynamic, emergent interactions shaping organizational reality
- Conversations Through the Cynefin Lens Unraveling the intricacies of everyday conversations
- Converse in Good Faith Be sincere, fair, open, and honest, regardless of the outcome
- Crafting Writing That Drives Change Larry McEnerney's insights on good writing
- Culture Basic tacit assumptions about how the world works
- Data, Information and Knowledge What's the difference?
- Death Café At a Death Café people drink tea, eat cake and discuss death
- Decision Making Café Using the Knowledge Café to make better decisions
- Democracy’s Spectrum ** From Direct to Representative
- Designing Powerful Questions Questions open the door to dialogue and discovery
- Dialogic Organization Development From a dialogic perspective, change results from transformational conversations
- Dialogue Dialogue is a disciplined form of conversation
- Difficult Conversations Navigating emotionally challenging conversations
- Disagree Constructively How to disagree well
- Discrediting People ** Cause them to lose the respect or trust of others
- Dominant Discourse and Narrative ** Shape the world
- Don’t Discourage Dissent Fear, uncertainty and doubt are good things
- Don’t Do Knowledge Management ** You respond to business problems & develop business opportunities using KM tools
- Don’t Give Advice Especially when it is sought
- Don’t Give Speeches Convene conversations
- Embracing the Imperfections of Chatbots Cultivating critical thinking in the age of AI
- Empathy Understanding and share the feelings of others
- Engagement Café Conversation is king. Content is just something to talk about.
- Enlightenment 2.0 A New Enlightenment for the 21st century
- Entrained Thinking Blinded to new ways of thinking by perspectives acquired through past experience
- Entrenched Thinking The lack of desire or ability to accept new ideas
- Equinor Management Training Cafés You learn when you converse
- Espresso Café Espresso has more caffeine per unit volume than most coffee beverages
- Etymology of Conversation A history of the word "conversation"
- Everyone Believes They’re the Good Guy The only real way to disarm your enemy is to listen to them
- Everything Is Fragmented ** Fragmentation
- Evidence for a Collective Intelligence Factor in the Performance of Human Groups **
- Evolution of Democracy **
- Explore Other Perspectives Use the chatbot to broaden your understanding of a subject
- Explore What’s Missing Explore what's missing in a chatbot's responses
- Exploring the Multifaceted Roles of Trust in Relationships and Society Without trust our civilization would collapse
- Exploring Uncertainty – the Role of Catalytic and Safe-to-fail Probes Essential Tools for Understanding and Influencing Complex Systems
- Filter Bubbles, Epistemic Bubbles and Echo Chambers Distort the reality of the world
- Flipped Teaching Speech is a bad medium for communicating information - so watch lectures at home
- Focus Group Café An improvement on traditional focus groups?
- Friends with Cognitive Benefits Engaging in short friendly conversations improves people's thinking
- From Enlightenment to Entanglement Adapting to the complexities of an interconnected world
- From Knowledge to Agency Developing agency in a changing world - cultivating the capacity to act
- From Mind to Information – the Role of AI in Knowledge Encoding The Evolution of Knowledge Encoding
- Fundamental Questions About Human Life ** Whis is the purpose of life and humanity?
- Future Café Explore trends and issues that shape, influence and impact the future
- Genuine Commitment We are committed when we decide to do something without any expectation of return
- Global Consciousness The capacity and disposition to understand and act upon global issues
- Gossip and Lashon Hara Conversation about other people
- Groucho Club Sales Café Ditch the pitch
- Gurteen Knowledge Café: Entrenched and Entrained Thinking A blog post by Conrad Taylor
- Hard Conversation Conversation is anything but soft and wooly
- History of Conversation ** The changing face of conversation through the ages
- Hold Strong Opinions Weakly ** I have no doctrine, I carry on a dialogue
- Hong Kong MTR Coffee Evenings and Liaison Trains An improvement over traditional customer surveys
- How Beliefs Shape Reasoning How political views influence the way we interpret data
- How Could We Be Wrong? Is a crucial question to ask in a conversation
- Huawei Transforms a Global Conference with a Knowledge Market How to make a conference more participatory
- I. Take Responsibility We need to take responsibility for the changes we wish to see in the world
- IBM SE Asia Sales Cafés Ditch the pitch
- Idea Campaign Café A series of focused conversations to generate ideas
- Ideation Café A conversation to solve problems or generate ideas
- II. Embrace Complexity We need to understand complexity & its implications
- III. Practice Leadership We need to practice leadership
- Impossible Conversations Navigating conversations across ideological divides
- Improving Informal Conversations ** Add a little structure
- Improving Performance with After-action Reviews Building a culture of improvement
- Influential Power ** You can never not influence
- Interbrain Synchrony When neural activities align between people during social interactions
- Intimate Conversations Conversations with strangers
- Introduction: Artificial Intelligence Human-like intelligence?
- Introduction: Conversation in the Age of AI Artificial intelligence
- Introduction: Conversational Environments ** Designing places and spaces for good conversations
- Introduction: Conversational Habits The habitual ways in which we practice Conversational Leadership
- Introduction: Conversational Leadership Conversational Leadership
- Introduction: Conversational Leadership Skills The technical abilities we use during a conversation
- Introduction: Conversational Learning Unleashing knowledge
- Introduction: Conversational Methods Ways of structuring conversations
- Introduction: Conversational Spaces Meeting places for conversations
- Introduction: Conversational Stories Stories about conversation
- Introduction: Discourse and Narrative **
- Introduction: History and Philosophy of Conversation ** The art of conversation has evolved over thousands of years
- Introduction: Innovation The introduction of something new
- Introduction: Knowledge Café Improving decision-making, innovation, and collaboration
- Introduction: Knowledge Café Applications The Knowledge Café is as much a state of mind as it is a fixed process
- Introduction: Knowledge Café Principles Create a conversational environment
- Introduction: Knowledge Delusion We delude ourselves about what we know and how we make decisions
- Introduction: Knowledge Management Knowledge Management is not an oxymoron
- Introduction: Our Evolutionary Journey From the Big Bang to the universe's death
- Introduction: Practicing Conversational Leadership Anyone can practice conversational leadership
- Introduction: Principles of Conversational Leadership The Principles of Conversational Leadership
- Introduction: Small Group Conversations Small groups are an essential building block to any future you want to create
- Introduction: the Neuroscience of Conversation Conversations trigger changes in the brain
- Introduction: the Power of Conversation A powerful, adaptable human technology
- Introduction: Virtual Conversations ** Computer-mediated converations
- Is “useless Knowledge” Useless? Maybe not if it makes things taste sweeter
- IV. Leverage the Power of Conversation We need to improve our conversational skills
- Jakarta Dutch Cultural Centre 2007 **
- Knowledge and Information ** Knowledge and information are different substances
- Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) Distinguishing Knowledge Management from Information Management
- Knowledge Café Applications The Knowledge Café is a highly adaptable tool
- Knowledge Café at Regent’s University February 2024 What Are the Strongest Motives for Creative Endeavour in Your Life?
- Knowledge Café Debate Debate sharpens up the important aspects of the issue under discussion
- Knowledge Café History It began on September 5th, 2002 at the Strand Palace Hotel in London
- Knowledge Café in Zurich, Switzerland The Knowledge Café has empowered our staff to speak up and take the initiative
- Knowledge Café Outcomes The outcomes are what you take away in your head
- Knowledge Café Principle: Conversation Is Sovereign It's all about the conversation
- Knowledge Café Principle: Create a Safe Space Where conversation can flourish
- Knowledge Café Principle: Dialogue Not Debate Be prepared to emerge a slightly different person
- Knowledge Café Principle: Engage in Small Groups Real conversation takes place in small groups
- Knowledge Café Principle: Everyone Has an Equal Voice Everyone is an equal participant
- Knowledge Café Principle: No Preconceived Outcomes The outcomes are emergent
- Knowledge Café Principle: Preserve the Flow Conversational flow should not be interrupted
- Knowledge Café: Cafés with No Tables Small tables are better than no tables
- Knowledge Café: Capturing Outcomes The outcomes are what you take away in your head - note taking is a distraction
- Knowledge Café: Choosing the Room The more café like, the better
- Knowledge Café: Choosing the Tables Small round tables are best that sit 3 or 4 are best
- Knowledge Café: Choosing the Venue The venue need not be a meeting room
- Knowledge Café: Circle Conversation A whole or large group conversation
- Knowledge Café: Conversational Topics Some examples
- Knowledge Café: Design Checklist Knowledge Cafés should be thoughtfully designed
- Knowledge Café: Duration A Knowledge Café can last from one to three hours
- Knowledge Café: Getting Started Make an impact
- Knowledge Café: Going Off-topic It is OK to off-topic
- Knowledge Café: Graphic Recording ** Real-time capture of the Café conversations in pictures, words, and color
- Knowledge Café: Invitation People should not be coerced to participate in any way
- Knowledge Café: Large Group Design ** The Knowledge Café works best for between twelve to twenty-four people
- Knowledge Café: Laying Out the Room Keep it informal and café like
- Knowledge Café: Lecture Theatre Cafés can even be run in lecture theatres
- Knowledge Café: Measuring Success The outcomes are what you take away in your head - note taking is a distraction
- Knowledge Café: Microphones Avoid the use of microphones if possible
- Knowledge Café: Moving Between Groups Don't complicate it
- Knowledge Café: Naming You don't have to call it a Knowledge Café
- Knowledge Café: No Flip Charts or Butcher Paper They get in the way of the conversation - avoid them
- Knowledge Café: No Report-outs There is nothing more boring than a report-out
- Knowledge Café: Number of Participants The ideal number of participants is between 12 and 24
- Knowledge Café: Posing the Question To trigger the conversation
- Knowledge Café: Process How to run a Knowledge Café
- Knowledge Café: Purpose Every Knowledge Café should have a clear purpose
- Knowledge Café: Refreshments Refreshments are good
- Knowledge Café: Required Resources Running a Knowledge Café requires minimal resources
- Knowledge Café: Roles There are a number of different Knowledge Café players
- Knowledge Café: Setting the Context with Video ** A short video makes a good way to set the context for a Café conversation
- Knowledge Café: Sharing Actionable Insights One idea, lesson learned or insight taken away from a Café
- Knowledge Café: Small Group Conversations The small group conversations are the heart of the Café
- Knowledge Café: Small Group Design The ideal small group size is three or four
- Knowledge Café: Table Hosts In a Knowledge Café there are no table hosts
- Knowledge Café: the Host The role of the Knowledge Café host
- Knowledge Café: the Speaker The role of the Knowledge Café speaker
- Knowledge Café: the Talk The Knowledge Café initiating talk
- Knowledge Café: Triggering the Conversation There are a number of ways in which you can trigger the conversation
- Knowledge Café: Who to Invite Who to invite and who not to invite
- Knowledge Cafés ** Include one or more Knowledge Cafés
- Knowledge Cafés and Communities of Practice ** There is a difference
- Knowledge Cafés at Conferences Not the best of environments but possible
- Knowledge Cafés at Equinor **
- Knowledge Cafés at ING Bank, Netherlands Connect, connect, connect
- Knowledge Cafés at Johnson & Johnson Running four Knowledge Cafés concurrently
- Knowledge Cafés at NASA Identifying risk issues, and meaningful mitigation approaches
- Knowledge Cafés at National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Turning traditional talks into Cafés
- Knowledge Cafés at PSMA Australia Using the Knowledge Café process to run a Knowledge Management Forum
- Knowledge Cafés at the European Patent Office The Personal Growth Community
- Knowledge Cafés at the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Give people a voice
- Knowledge Is Communal Most of our knowledge resides in other people
- Knowledge Is Not Power Our ability to influence people is power
- Knowledge Only Exists in the Mind Everything else is information
- Knowledge Revolutions The evolution of knowledge
- Lashon Hara Jewish religious term for derogatory speech
- Leadership Is a Practice Not a Position of Authority Anyone can practice leadership
- Learn by Talking When speaking we organize cognitively what we know
- Learn to Listen and to Tell the Truth Do we listen, to confirm what we already think or do we listen in order to reply?
- Let’s Get Rid of Lecterns The lectern is a barrier to connecting with your audience
- Let’s Have More Interesting Conversations It's our job
- Levels of Conversation ** Four levels of conversation
- Life Is a Conversation ** Life is a conversation between ourselves and the world around us
- Limitations of Chatbots Chatbots lack true intelligence, understanding, and reasoning abilities
- Listen to Ignite Thinking Listening is not a passive act - it's a powerful act of creation
- Listen with the Intent to Understand Don't listen with the intent to reply
- Losing and Giving Face The fear of losing face is a significant barrier to open conversation in many cultures
- Make Big Talk Make big talk not small talk
- Make Time to Talk The lack of time for conversation is just an excuse
- Managers Are Employees Too ** They can be hired, fired and appraised just like everyone else
- Marketing Café ** Holding marketing conversations
- Measures, Targets, Rewards and Punishments When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure
- Meetings and Conversations Serve Two Purposes There is a second purpose to any meeting which we often overlook
- Mirror Neurons The key to social cognition
- Mirror Neurons and Interbrain Synchrony Enhancing Conversation ** Neuroscience
- Multipolar Traps or Moloch Traps Acting against our collective interests
- Narrative and Story ** Narrative provides a way of looking at and interpreting the world.
- Navigating Complexity with Safe-to-fail Probes The power of safe-to-fail probes
- Nurturing a Collaborative Culture Through Knowledge Cafés Using Knowledge Cafés to bridge silos and encourage open dialogue
- Nurturing an Innovation Culture Allowing emergence, not imposing change
- Obliquity in a Complex World In a complex world, goals are often best achieved indirectly
- On Conversation An essay by Benjamin Franklin, the Pennsylvania Gazette, 1730
- Ongoing Performance Conversations From annual performance reviews to on-going performance conversations
- Open Space Technology ** No formal agenda
- Open, Adaptive Strategy Make employees partners in the strategy process
- Opinion Polarization We are polarized across political, religious, moral, and racial divides
- Oracy The ability to express oneself in and understand spoken language
- Oracy Is a Core Conversational Leadership Skill Communicating effectively in spoken language
- Oral Public Discourse Verbal expression aimed at a public audience
- Organizational Conversation ** The conversation is the organization
- Our Brains Are Designed for Conversation That is why we find conversation so easy
- Our Most Powerful Technology Is Conversation Conversation - an overlooked human technology
- Our Old Ways of Thinking and Working Are Failing The outcome
- Our Past Evolutionary Journey The journey from the Big Bang to the present day is a remarkable story
- Our Tribal Nature The human brain is hardwired to be tribal
- Our World Is a Mess The metacrisis
- Our World Is Complex It is a VUCA world
- Ownership, Not Buy-in We need to move from buy-in to ownership
- Passion at the Gurteen Knowledge Café Blog post by Mathew Rees
- Peer Assist Learn from your peers; someone has already done it
- Peer Learning Unlocking collective wisdom
- People Tagging ** Inviting conversation
- Personal Power ** We hold more potential today than ever to transform the world
- Peter Block’s Four Ownership Questions Are you prepared to take responsibility for the learning and engagement of others?
- Philosophy of Conversation ** Conversation is fundamental to the human experience
- Pitching by Conversation ** Ditch the pitch
- Politics Is Life We can't escape it
- Pollution of the Global Information Ecosystem The contamination of information with false and misleading material
- Positive Deviance An approach to behavioral and social change
- Post-biological Evolution ** Evolution is not limited to biological evolution
- Pseudoscience and Its Dangers Misinformation and its impact on society
- Psychological Safety ** A shared belief that within your team it is safe to take risks
- Punished by Rewards Loving what you do is a more powerful motivator than any goody
- Question Storming Café ** Questions can be more powerful than answers at times
- Randomised Coffee Trials It is just a coffee, but at the same time it is much more
- Randomised Coffee Trials at Red Cross Red Crescent Virtual coffee meetings across the globe
- Reading Group Café A reading group, reading circle or book discussion club
- Recognising New Age Mumbo Jumbo Understanding and avoiding deceptive New Age ideas
- Reframing Questions Shifting perspective changes the conversation
- Rethinking Our Beliefs It is not easy to change our beliefs
- Retrospective Coherence in a Complex World How oversimplified narratives distort the past and hinder decision-making
- Reverse Brainstorming Café Brainstorming the opposite of what you want
- Reversing Cause and Effect The conversation creates the speakers
- Rhetoric To influence people through speech or writing
- Ritual Dissent Café ** A Café style adaptation of the Ritual Dissent process
- Sales Café Ditch the pitch - create sales conversations
- Salons A gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host
- Say So, If We Don’t Have an Opinion It's perfectly OK to say ‘Sorry, I don’t know’
- Scenario Café ** Learning from situations
- Science Curiosity A desire to seek out and consume scientific information for pleasure
- Shared Meaning To understand each other's perspectives well enough to accept them
- Sharing Knowledge Through Conversation Knowledge isn't there the way ore is buried
- Show Respect Failing to respect one another negatively impacts the future for all of us
- Signal-to-noise Ratio The ratio of useful or true information to false or irrelevant data
- Social Loafing The tendancy to put less effort into a task when we are part of a group
- Social Silencing A phenomenon where people don’t speak up for fear of social exclusion
- Socrates on Democracy Socrates had a nuanced view of democracy
- Speak in Plain Language We should use everyday natural language that everyone understands.
- Speak Last Learn to be the last to speak
- Speak Up Express our opinions frankly and openly
- Speak with Less Conviction Speaking with conviction inhibits learning
- Speed Consulting Drawing on the experience of others
- Speed-conversation Without relatedness, no work can occur
- Spirituality A deep appreciation, respect, and love for the universe, the world, all life, and humanity
- Stammtisch Tables Tables in pubs or restaurants reserved for regulars
- Stop Ditting Ditting is the dubious art of trumping the previous person's story
- Strategic Conversations Have the potential to influence the future direction of an organization
- Strategy in a Complex World ** Strategy is much more than a plan
- Street Epistemology Exploring deeply held beliefs
- Sugar Rush at the Knowledge Café How conversation is bringing KM back to the people
- Take Responsibility for the Conversation ** We all need to take responsibility for the quality of our conversations
- Talk More The essence of Conversational Leadership is to talk with people more
- Talk with Strangers Why and how should you talk with strangers?
- Technical Challenges and Complex Adaptive Challenges Distinguishing between straightforward and complex challenges
- Telepresence – Beaming Into a Knowledge Café ** Being present virtually
- Tell the Truth Lies distort the world
- The Allure of Simple Stories We tend to readily accept uncomplicated narratives without verification
- The Anthropocene The age of humans
- The Argumentative Theory of Human Reason We did not evolve to reason individually but to reason socially
- The Art of Navigating Conversations Choosing our repsonses carefully
- The Birth of Uber Innovation Story: How everyday frustrations and collaboration shaped Uber’s global transformation
- The Conversational Enlightenment ** Was fueled by a surprisng source, the ancient Roman art of convesration known as sermo
- The Conversible World ** The sphere of human interaction and exchange of ideas
- The Cynefin Framework A conceptual framework to help make decisions
- The Dérive An unplanned journey through a urban landscape
- The Dewaniya ** A reception area where a Kuwaiti man receives his business colleagues and male guests
- The Difference Between Responsibility and Accountability We take responsibility but are held accountable
- The Difference Between Sense-making and Meaning-making The terms have distinct meanings
- The Differences Between the Knowledge Café and the World Café There are some significant differences
- The DIKW (data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom) Pyramid The DIKW model
- The Emergence of Conversation in Early Cultures ** Conversation stretches far back into prehistory
- The Enlightenment The Age of Reason
- The Extended Mind The power of distributed cognition
- The Fallibility of Science Understanding the limits and strengths of science
- The Four Levels of Knowledge Management The relation between Conversational Leadership and Knowledge Management
- The Global Information Ecosystem We live in a vast sea of information
- The Great Conversation – the Evolving Dialogue of Ideas Exploring the exchange of ideas across cultures and eras
- The History of Conversational Leadership 1985 to today
- The History of the Socratic Method The evolution and impact of Socratic dialogue
- The House of Wisdom Innovation Story: An Islamic beacon of innovation and collaboration
- The Huawei Break the Book Community A powerful example of peer learning
- The Impact of Cognitive Biases in Conversation Cognitive biases can lead to flawed or irrational conclusions in a conversation
- The Importance of Tacit Knowledge Tacit knowledge is knowledge that is difficult to transfer
- The Innovation Café Network Sparking everyday innovation
- The Jazz of Conversations Drawing Parallels Between Jazz Improv and Conversations
- The Knowledge Café Metaphor A metaphor for the type of conversation you have in a Café
- The Knowledge Delusion We know far less than we think we do
- The Language of Conversation and Speech Meanings of words describing conversation and speech
- The London Coffeehouses of the Enlightenment Centers of Enlightenment thinking
- The Many Faces of Strategy ** How strategy varies from simple plans to shaping entire environments
- The Meaning of Purpose ** Purpose has a nuanced meaning
- The Mehrabian Myth It is not true that 93% of our communication is nonverbal
- The Myth of Thamus and Theuth Does writing allow the pretense of understanding, rather than true understanding?
- The Narrative Paradigm All meaningful communication occurs via storytelling or reporting of event
- The Nature of Consciousness The mystery of the mind
- The Neuroscience of Conversation Conversations trigger changes in the brain
- The New Science of Building Great Teams ** 35% of variation in team performance is accounted for by the amount of face-to-face communication
- The Oracy Lab An experimental space for exploring the power and possibilities of conversations
- The Origin of Language ** ...
- The Perils of Binary Bias ** Simplifying complex issues into two extreme and opposing categories
- The Postproduction Paradigm – AI and the Art of Remixing LLMs as catalysts for a remix revolution
- The Power of Curiosity ** Driving human progress
- The Power of Discourse and Narrative ** How stories shape our individual and collective realities
- The Power of Serendipity Discover how chance encounters can lead to insights and new opportunities
- The Power of Talking with Enemies Özlem Cekic’s story of transforming hostility through conversation
- The Power of Team Huddles How brief team gatherings can align, motivate, and connect
- The Provisional Nature of Scientific Knowledge Understanding science as an ongoing process
- The Purposes of Conversation Real conversation serves one or more purposes
- The Relationship Between Explicit Knowledge and Tacit Knowledge Explicit knowledge always has a tacit component
- The Role of the Knowledge Café in Open/adaptive Strategy An ideal tool to help implement open strategy
- The Role of the Knowledge Café in Strategic Conversations ** One of the best conversational methods for addressing complex issues is the Knowledge Café
- The Roots of the Scientific Method Exploring the history of the scientific method
- The Scientific Method The backbone of modern science
- The Scientific Method for Everyday Life Thinking and decision-making beyond the lab
- The Socratic Elenchus A tool for intellectual discovery
- The Socratic Method A powerful tool for critical thinking
- The Spectrum of Intelligence There are many types of intelligence
- The Two Pillars of Truth How the scientific method and Socratic elenchus underpin civilization
- The Value of Conversation ** Why are conversations so valuable?
- The Value of Hallway Conversations The magic of the hallway conversation lies in its spontaneity
- The Vector of Great Conversations A parallel between the vector theory of change and conversational leadership
- The Vector Theory of Change Navigating change in a complex world
- The Virtual Random Café Informal conversations and networking ... from home
- The Watercooler Effect How casual office chats strengthen connections and culture
- Theodore Zeldin’s Conversation Dinners Dinner and a stimulating conversation with a stranger
- There Are No Solutions to Complex Challenges Only an endless series of adaptive responses
- Thinking Together Talking with each other beats talking to ourselves
- Three Questions for Meaningful Conversations Clarify focus, approach, and community-building in discussions
- Tolerance Is A Social Contract, Not a Moral Absolute The paradox of tolerance
- Trust & Belief Formation Trust plays a critical role in forming our beliefs
- Turn Monologues Into Dialogues Talk with people rather than talk at them
- Turn-taking in Conversation When we talk we take turns
- Two Realms of Intellectual Discourse ** The learned and the conversible
- Two Worlds Learning to live in an entangled world
- Uncertainty ** Uncertainty refers to situations involving imperfect or unknown information
- Understanding Debates Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it
- Understanding Scientific Terms Clarifying common misconceptions
- Unhurried Conversations ** Time to think differently
- Unintended Consequences In a complex system, every purposeful action produces unintended consequences
- Use of Self Using who we are to be more effective in life
- Uses of Chatbots Practical applications of conversational AI
- V. Nurture Community We need to care more about each other
- Values Values are beliefs we hold that something is good or desirable
- Verbal Judo ** Using one's words to prevent, de-escalate, or end an attempted assault.
- Videos: Knowledge Cafés A selection of videos from past Knowledge Cafés
- Virtual Knowledge Café Process On the Zoom video conferencing platform
- Walking Conversations ** Walking ...
- Ways of Knowing Ways of acquiring knowledge
- We All Have the Freedom to Choose If We Choose To The last of human freedoms
- We Are Not Enemies but Friends—mostly Finding understanding by conversing with those who think differently
- We Are Stardust We are literally part of the universe, not separate from it
- We Humans Are Complex Human socio-technical systems are complex
- We Know So Much but Understand So Little It is through conversation we make sense of the world
- We Need to Stop Trying to Do Things to Each Other And start working together
- Weaponizing Public Discourse **
- What Are Beliefs? Ideas that are held to be true but not necessarily supported by any evidence
- What Are Chatbots? Artificial intelligence programs designed to have conversations with humans
- What Are Cognitive Biases? Mistakes in reasoning, evaluating or remembering
- What Are Mindsets? Ways of thinking, mental inclinations, dispositions, or frames of mind
- What Are Morals? Principles of right or wrong behaviour
- What Is a Knowledge Worker? A knowledge worker is someone whose job entails having really interesting conversations at work
- What Is a Real Conversation? There is more to conversation than just talking or exchanging messages
- What Is a System? ** An interconnected set of elements organized in a way that achieves something
- What Is Communityship? Where everyone in a community practices leadership
- What Is the Difference Between Rhetoric and Oracy? Rhetoric is monologue, oracy is dialogue
- What Is the Optimum Group Size for a Conversation? More than five people and it is not a conversation
- What Is the Purpose of Life? ** What is the meaning of an individual human life?
- What Makes a Real Community? Members of a community care about each other
- What Would Make a Better World? Many things
- What’s New About the Knowledge Café? In some ways it is not new but in others it isn't
- Why Chatbots Can’t Have Real Human Conversations The limits of artificial chatting
- Why Does Human Life Exist? ** Why are we here?
- Why Face-to-face Interaction Matters ** Our social life is essential to our wellbeing and health
- Wisdom of Crowds of Crowds Crowds within a crowd outperform 'wisdom of the crowd'
- World Café A conversational process intended to facilitate open and intimate discussion
- Writing with AI Isn’t Necessarily Cheating Why it’s a legitimate tool for professionals and creators
- Zoom Virtual Knowledge Café On the Zoom video conferencing platform
- Zoom Virtual Knowledge Cafés **
Posts: Theodore Zeldin
- A Conversation Dinner in Turin Knowledge menu à la carte
- Intimate Conversations Conversations with strangers
- Make Big Talk Make big talk not small talk
- Theodore Zeldin’s Conversation Dinners Dinner and a stimulating conversation with a stranger
- What Is a Real Conversation? There is more to conversation than just talking or exchanging messages
Books: Theodore Zeldin
Quotations: Theodore Zeldin
Videos: Theodore Zeldin
Tags: conversation (198) | Theodore Zeldin (19)
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Photo Credits: Midjourney (Public Domain)
This page is part of a blook on Conversational Leadership. Parts of this book have restricted access. You can learn more about the book and how to obtain full access on the home page.
Gurteen Knowledge Café Workshop
Thursday 27th February 2025, 15:00 to 19:00 London time (GMT)
Learn how to design & run a Gurteen Knowledge Café, both face-to-face and online.
Information and Registration
Thursday 27th February 2025, 15:00 to 19:00 London time (GMT)
Learn how to design & run a Gurteen Knowledge Café, both face-to-face and online.
Information and Registration