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- Actor-network Theory (ANT) Actor-Network Theory
- Artificial Intelligence and the Quest for Knowledge Exploring the parallels between Plato's Phaedrus and the challenges of GenAI
- Avoiding Modern-day Colonialism Colonialism: the dominance, control, and exploitation by one group over another
- Belief Systems Our beliefs are not isolated pieces of data that we can take and discard at will
- Chatbots as Critical Thinking Partners Stimulating critical thinking is one of the most powerful application of chatbots
- Cognitive Surplus Untapping our human potential
- Complex Adaptive Systems ** Complexity
- Complex Is Not the Same as Complicated We tend to use "complex" to describe things that are actually just complicated or challenging.
- Complex Systems ** Many parts interacting with each other in multiple ways
- Complex Systems and Complex Adaptive Systems ** Complexity
- Conclusion: Two Worlds Living in two worlds
- Congruence, Coherence, and Contingent Truth Building a framework for understanding
- Connect More Connect more broadly, more deeply
- Connecting Minds Connecting and synchronising minds
- Connection Before Content Without relatedness, no work can occur
- Conversational Leadership Framework ** A framework to help understand the concept
- Conversational Leadership Mindset Developing a Conversational Leadership mindset
- Conversational Self-awareness Being aware of our own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors during a conversation
- Conversations That Drive Change Using Knowledge Cafés for transformation and change
- Dispositional States ** Complexity
- Enlightenment 2.0 A New Enlightenment for the 21st century
- Explore Other Perspectives Use the chatbot to broaden your understanding of a subject
- From Enlightenment to Entanglement Adapting to the complexities of an interconnected world
- From Knowledge to Agency Developing agency in a changing world - cultivating the capacity to act
- Global Consciousness The capacity and disposition to understand and act upon global issues
- II. Embrace Complexity We need to understand complexity & its implications
- Introduction: Conversational Leadership Conversational Leadership
- Introduction: Innovation The introduction of something new
- Introduction: Principles of Conversational Leadership The Principles of Conversational Leadership
- Introduction: Two Worlds From evolution to entanglement
- Knowledge Café: Conversational Topics Some examples
- Knowledge Revolutions The evolution of knowledge
- Leadership Is a Practice Not a Position of Authority Anyone can practice leadership
- Mirror Neurons The key to social cognition
- Multipolar Traps or Moloch Traps Acting against our collective interests
- Nurturing an Innovation Culture Allowing emergence, not imposing change
- Ongoing Performance Conversations From annual performance reviews to on-going performance conversations
- Oral Public Discourse Verbal expression aimed at a public audience
- Our World Is a Mess The metacrisis
- Our World Is Complex It is a VUCA world
- Our World Is Hyperconnected The world is an increasingly connected place
- Practice Analogical Thinking Request analogies or comparisons from the chatbot to help you better understand complex concepts
- Randomised Coffee Trials at Red Cross Red Crescent Virtual coffee meetings across the globe
- Recognising New Age Mumbo Jumbo Understanding and avoiding deceptive New Age ideas
- Retrospective Coherence in a Complex World How oversimplified narratives distort the past and hinder decision-making
- Rules of the Garage: Reigniting Innovation at HP Innovation Story: How Carly Fiorina’s Manifesto Modernized the HP Way
- Spirituality A deep appreciation, respect, and love for the universe, the world, all life, and humanity
- Stories and Narratives The subtle differences between stories and narratives
- Summarize Conflicting Perspectives Use the chatbot to summarize two conflicting perspectives on a complex issue
- Talk More The essence of Conversational Leadership is to talk with people more
- The Birth of Uber Innovation Story: How everyday frustrations and collaboration shaped Uber’s global transformation
- The Four Levels of Knowledge Management The relation between Conversational Leadership and Knowledge Management
- The Perils of Binary Bias ** Simplifying complex issues into two extreme and opposing categories
- The Power of Discourse and Narrative ** How stories shape our individual and collective realities
- The Power of Team Huddles How brief team gatherings can align, motivate, and connect
- The Relationship Between Consciousness and Intelligence ** Both concepts are multifaceted and the relationship is not well understood
- The Relationship Between Intelligence and Evolution ** Shaping life on earth
- The Roots of the Scientific Method Exploring the history of the scientific method
- The Watercooler Effect How casual office chats strengthen connections and culture
- There Are No Solutions to Complex Challenges Only an endless series of adaptive responses
- Two Worlds Learning to live in an entangled world
- Use of Self Using who we are to be more effective in life
- We Are Not Enemies but Friends—mostly Finding understanding by conversing with those who think differently
- We Are Stardust We are literally part of the universe, not separate from it
- We Humans Are Complex Human socio-technical systems are complex
- What Are Mindsets? Ways of thinking, mental inclinations, dispositions, or frames of mind
- What Is a System? ** An interconnected set of elements organized in a way that achieves something
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