We have always struggled as human beings. But our struggle today is exacerbated by a gap between the increasingly complicated world we have created and the default ways we think about it. Twenty-first-century challenges are qualitatively different from those that generations of our ancestors faced, yet our thinking has not evolved to keep pace. We need to catch up. To make smarter decisions — as governments, organizations, families, and individuals -- we need more sophisticated mental strategies for interpreting and responding to today's complexity.
In this book, Closing the Mind Gap, Ted Cadsby explores the insights of cognitive psychology, anthropology, biology, neuroscience, physics, and philosophy to reveal the gap between how we typically tackle complex problems and what complexity actually requires of us. In an accessible and engaging style, he outlines ways to close the gap — the strategic mental shifts that increase decision-making effectiveness. The bottom line? We need greater complexity in our thinking to match the increasing complexity in our world.
Credit: Amazon
CBC interview with Amanda Lang: Discussing Ted's book Closing the Mind Gap
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Book Purchased: 22 August, 2019 ★
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