Knowledge Café KM UK 2013
This video compilation captures key moments from a Gurteen Knowledge Café I hosted at the KM UK Conference in London in June 2013.
Video Overview
The video begins with a series of short clips I used to spark discussion. These include excerpts from:
- Alfie Kohn
- Dan Pink
- The Office
And the question I posed to trigger the conversation was:
“Should we use rewards and recognition to motivate knowledge sharing?”
Discussion and Reflections
The video then transitions to footage of small group discussions within the Café, offering a glimpse into the dynamic conversations. It also features reflections from:
- Paul Corney (Conference Chair)
- Mark Field (Participant)
- Florence Kiff (Participant)
While the video effectively conveys the Café’s essence, it’s worth noting that the table sizes were not ideal. Many groups had six, seven, or even more participants, whereas the Café model works best with smaller groups of three to five for more engaging discussions.
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