Gurteen Knowledge Blog January 10, 2021, 16:46I have not run a Knowledge Café Workshop for some time, but given the recent increased interest in the Café format, I hope to run two or three online events in 2021. The first half-day event is coming up on 12th February. If you are not familiar with the method, … Continue reading Gurteen Knowledge Café Workshop February 12th 2021
Gurteen Knowledge Blog April 7, 2021, 14:52A study by UCL researchers has found that using a simple set of hand signals can improve the experience of online meetings, make groups feel closer to each other and that they are learning and communicating better In their Guide to the Video Meeting Signals, they have 25 different signs. … Continue reading Video Meeting Hand Signals Hand signals improve video meeting success
Gurteen Knowledge Blog April 7, 2021, 17:56I ran my first Knowledge Café Workshop of 2021 in February. I had 23 participants, and as usual, it went well, and I had some excellent feedback. If you are not familiar with the method, the Knowledge Café is a simple way to bring a small group of people together … Continue reading Gurteen Knowledge Café Workshop May 2021 Conversation is King. Content is just something to talk about
Gurteen Knowledge Blog June 7, 2021, 17:14The Virtual Random Café is a simple conversational method that has much in common with randomized coffee trials and speed conversations. It was developed by Obhi Chatterjee and Miruna Stamate of the European Commission to substitute for the quick informal chats we used to have before COVID with people when … Continue reading Virtual Random Café A simple networking method in times of COVID
Gurteen Knowledge Blog June 8, 2021, 14:03I ran my first Knowledge Café Workshop of 2021 in February and another more recently in May. Both workshops were well attended, and I had some excellent feedback. I am rerunning the workshop on 10th August 2021 for EMEA/Asia/Pacific time zones and again on 21st September 2021 for EMEA/Americas time … Continue reading Gurteen Knowledge Café Workshop August and September 2021 Conversation is King. Content is just something to talk about
Gurteen Knowledge Blog July 10, 2021, 20:22I will be running my Knowledge Café workshop where I teach how to design and host Gurteen Knowledge Cafés on 10th August 2021 for EMEA/Asia/Pacific time zones and again on 21st September 2021 for EMEA/Americas time zones. If you are not familiar with the method, my Knowledge Café format is … Continue reading Gurteen Knowledge Café Workshop August and September 2021 Conversation is King. Content is just something to talk about
Gurteen Knowledge Blog August 6, 2021, 16:12I have 25 registrations for my next Knowledge Café workshop on 10th August 2021, and it is now closed for bookings. I am especially looking forward to this workshop as I have participants from 14 countries: Australia, Canada, China, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore., South Africa, New Zealand, … Continue reading Gurteen Knowledge Café Workshop September 2021 Conversation is King. Content is just something to talk about
Gurteen Knowledge Blog September 12, 2021, 20:45My next Knowledge Café workshop is coming up fast on 21st September 2021. It should work well for EMEA/Americas time zones. You can find more information and register here. Knowledge Letter: Issue: 255 (Subscribe)Tags: knowledge cafe (107) | Zoom (11)RSS: Blog FeedPhoto Credits: Midjourney (Public Domain) Should We Speak with Authority … Continue reading Gurteen Knowledge Café Workshop September 2021 Conversation is King. Content is just something to talk about
Knowledge Cafés at NASA Knowledge Cafés at ING Bank, Netherlands Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter This story about the Virtual Random Café was written by Obhi Chatterjee – Head of Sector – Learning Technologies in the European Commission in Belgium. The Virtual Random Café is a simple way to make space for the … Continue reading The Virtual Random Café Informal conversations and networking … from home
Introduction: Virtual Conversations ** Virtual Knowledge Café Process Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter This video of an early experiment with Zoom gives you a good idea as to how it works. Don’t try to watch it all – just browse it a little. The Challenge I have been running face-to-face Knowledge Cafés for … Continue reading Zoom Virtual Knowledge Café On the Zoom video conferencing platform
Zoom Virtual Knowledge Café Telepresence – Beaming Into a Knowledge Café ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The Virtual Knowledge Café process runs in a remarkably similar fashion to a face-to-face Knowledge Café. It works best for between twelve and twenty-four participants. This is an outline of the process I use on the … Continue reading Virtual Knowledge Café Process On the Zoom video conferencing platform