The Impact of Cognitive Biases in Conversation Cognitive biases can lead to flawed or irrational conclusions in a conversation

Three Questions for Meaningful Conversations The Perils of Binary Bias ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Cognitive biases affect how we interpret and respond to conversation and reason together, potentially leading to flawed or irrational conclusions, but there are ways to mitigate their impact. Introduction Cognitive biases are mental shortcuts or tendencies that … Continue reading The Impact of Cognitive Biases in Conversation Cognitive biases can lead to flawed or irrational conclusions in a conversation

What Are Beliefs? Ideas that are held to be true but not necessarily supported by any evidence

Introduction: Knowledge Delusion Three Forms of Reasoning Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Beliefs are ideas that we hold to be true. However, we have no evidence to support many of them.  False beliefs lead us to the wrong conclusions. We need to question and challenge our beliefs continually. What is a belief? Another … Continue reading What Are Beliefs? Ideas that are held to be true but not necessarily supported by any evidence

How Beliefs Shape Reasoning How political views influence the way we interpret data

Our Tribal Nature Science Curiosity Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Political beliefs shape more than opinions—they can distort how we interpret facts. Research shows that even those skilled in numerical reasoning are not immune to this bias. Recognizing how ideology influences thinking is the first step toward making more objective, evidence-based decisions. The … Continue reading How Beliefs Shape Reasoning How political views influence the way we interpret data

Converse in Good Faith Be sincere, fair, open, and honest, regardless of the outcome

Ask Questions ** Say So, If You Don’t Have an Opinion Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Converse in good faith: Converse with the intent to be sincere, fair, open, and honest, regardless of the outcome of the interaction.  Converse in good faith In human interactions, good faith is the intent to be sincere, … Continue reading Converse in Good Faith Be sincere, fair, open, and honest, regardless of the outcome