Resisting Simple Narratives The allure of simple stories

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   October 23, 2023, 19:06Many of our false beliefs seem convincing because they rely on simple, appealing stories. My friend David Creelman recently highlighted to me the tendency we have to readily accept straightforward narratives without verification. In a post in my blook, The Allure of Simple Stories, I explore what drives this habit … Continue reading Resisting Simple Narratives The allure of simple stories

Belief Coherence Daniel Kahneman

The confidence people have in their beliefs is not a measure of the quality of evidence but of the coherence of the story that the mind has managed to construct. Credit: Daniel Kahneman People: Daniel KahnemanDaniel Kahneman Psychologist and behavioral economistBooks: Daniel KahnemanBelief Coherence Daniel KahnemanDaniel Kahneman Psychologist and behavioral economistFor Some of Our Most … Continue reading Belief Coherence Daniel Kahneman

Stories and Narratives The subtle differences between stories and narratives

Oral Public Discourse Storytelling ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Narratives shape our understanding of the world and reinforce shared identities and values within a society. In contrast, the stories a culture tells about itself and its history reveal what society finds meaningful and aims to pass on to future generations. Introduction In … Continue reading Stories and Narratives The subtle differences between stories and narratives

The Allure of Simple Stories We tend to readily accept uncomplicated narratives without verification

Trust & Belief Formation Our Tribal Nature Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Many false beliefs feel convincing because they rest upon simple, appealing stories. We tend to readily accept uncomplicated narratives without verification. What drives this habit, and how do we overcome it? Why do we accept simple stories? Several intertwined factors make … Continue reading The Allure of Simple Stories We tend to readily accept uncomplicated narratives without verification