Megan Reitz is a Professor of Leadership and Dialogue at Ashridge where she speaks, researches, consults and supervises on the intersection of leadership, change, dialogue and mindfulness. WebsiteMegan ReitzLinkedinMegan ReitzBlogMegan ReitzRSS FeedMegan ReitzTwitter@meganreitz1YouTubeMegan ReitzGoogleMegan Reitz Twitter Tweets by Megan Reitz RSS FeedBooks: Megan ReitzBeing Silenced and Silencing Others: Developing the Capacity to Speak Truth to … Continue reading Megan Reitz Facilitator, teacher, speaker, executive coach, researcher and author
How your power silences truth | Megan Reitz People: Megan ReitzMegan Reitz Facilitator, teacher, speaker, executive coach, researcher and author Books: Megan ReitzBeing Silenced and Silencing Others: Developing the Capacity to Speak Truth to Power Megan Reitz, John Higgins How Your Power Silences Truth Megan ReitzMegan Reitz Facilitator, teacher, speaker, executive coach, researcher and author … Continue reading How Your Power Silences Truth Megan Reitz
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. Credit: Martin Luther King Jr. Books: Martin Luther King Jr.I Would Still Plant My Apple Tree UnknownOn Becoming Silent About Things Martin Luther King Jr.Quotations: Martin Luther King Jr.I Would Still Plant My Apple Tree UnknownOn Becoming Silent About Things Martin … Continue reading On Becoming Silent About Things Martin Luther King Jr.
Owning Our Mistakes ** Speak Last Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Speak up: Many of us are afraid to speak up, especially to speak truth to power, and there are many barriers to being open and frank. In organizations, this results in bad decisions and, at a societal level, many wrongdoings that are not … Continue reading Speak Up Express our opinions frankly and openly
Losing and Giving Face Psychological Safety ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter There are many reasons why people do not speak up. Social silencing is one of them. The spiral of silence or social silencing is a phenomenon where people who think they hold a minority opinion don’t speak up for fear of social … Continue reading Social Silencing A phenomenon where people don’t speak up for fear of social exclusion
Social Silencing Wisdom of Crowds of Crowds Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Create psychological safety: Ensure people are safe for interpersonal risk-taking. Psychological safety refers to the sense of confidence and trust that individuals feel in a social setting, particularly in the workplace. It is the belief that one can speak up and … Continue reading Psychological Safety ** A shared belief that within your team it is safe to take risks
Conversational Continuous Self-improvement ** Impossible Conversations Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A difficult conversation is unpleasant, one where we feel discomfort and awkwardness, such as asking our boss for a pay rise or confronting a neighbor. So how do we handle difficult conversations? Examples of difficult conversations include: Discussing a difficult diagnosis. Breaking … Continue reading Difficult Conversations Navigating emotionally challenging conversations