Are Large Language Models Sentient? Sentience is the capacity to experience sensations, thoughts, and feelings

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   May 27, 2024, 10:29Ross Dawson started a recent interesting thread on LinkedIn on whether Large Language Models are or will be sentient. The thread was prompted by an article by Stanford luminary Fei-Fei Li, who argues that AI isn’t sentient because it lacks subjective experiences. This provoked me to chat with ChatGPT on … Continue reading Are Large Language Models Sentient? Sentience is the capacity to experience sensations, thoughts, and feelings

The Nature of Consciousness The mystery of the mind

Human consciousness has long puzzled philosophers and scientists. The hard problem of consciousness grapples with explaining how subjective experiences arise from physical brain processes. Various approaches offer different perspectives, but a comprehensive solution remains elusive. The Meaning of the Word Consciousness Consciousness has two meanings: basic awareness, which involves sensing and responding to the environment, … Continue reading The Nature of Consciousness The mystery of the mind