Trust & Belief Formation Trust plays a critical role in forming our beliefs

Rethinking Our Beliefs The Allure of Simple Stories Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter What we consider to be our personal knowledge is mostly a delusion. Most of the knowledge we think we own resides in other people’s minds. As I explained in the Knowledge Delusion, we each know very little. What we consider … Continue reading Trust & Belief Formation Trust plays a critical role in forming our beliefs

Science Curiosity A desire to seek out and consume scientific information for pleasure

How Beliefs Shape Reasoning Discrediting People ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Motivated reasoning is where we look for arguments in favor of conclusions we want to believe, regardless of the evidence. This is a primary stumbling block in forming sound beliefs and making good decisions. However, if we are science-curious, we are … Continue reading Science Curiosity A desire to seek out and consume scientific information for pleasure