The Decline of Reading We need to enhance reading comprehension skills

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   July 3, 2024, 07:34People are reading less and understanding less of what they read, which is a societal problem. Social media and short online content make it hard to focus on longer, more complex writing. We often skim articles instead of reading them carefully, which makes it hard to understand complex ideas and … Continue reading The Decline of Reading We need to enhance reading comprehension skills

The Death of the Author A perspective shift

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   July 2, 2024, 09:08I recently came across Roland Barthes‘s thought-provoking essay, The Death of the Author. In this influential work, Barthes challenges traditional literary views by arguing against the idea of authors as sole creators of meaning. Instead, he suggests that writing emerges from various cultural influences rather than a single authorial voice. … Continue reading The Death of the Author A perspective shift